I don't remember were but I seem to remember MHK did addressing the issue.
I don't see much to talk about. It stands to reason that the diver will need to meet skill requirements. The instructor may have more latitude with how some skills are done than with others.
Well I love kicking in 2 cents and I might as well end the year the same way.
First.. I have not always been the biggest "proponent" of DIR, but it seems to me that this thread was definitely baited to make DIR look bad. I hope not, but it sure seems that way. ADA is intended to make sure that people with various levels of ability or disability or handicaps (or whatever you prefer) are able to function in society with reasonable accomodations. As far as I know this does not apply to voluntary or participatory activities, such as SCUBA.
I heartily applaud and encourage the work of HSIA and all the dedicated individuals that give their time and effort to this amazing cause. Asking if a disabled individual will be doing cave diving is not the point. The point is that someone who cannot move around like the rest of us might have the ability to experience something amazing and that is great. We should not do or say anything to detract from that.
Second... I agree that it is the right of the instructor to decide whether they can handle teaching a disabled individual. It is not like teaching anybody else. If you don;t feel comfortable, don;t put your student's or your life on the line.
BTW.. I write this as someone who grew up working with my Dad to help pediatric cancer patients and mentally and physically handicapped individuals experience "summer camp" It was an amazing and fulfilling experience and you cannot appreciate how much stronger (in spirit and will) some of these 7 year old kids are than many adults!!!
Last year my dad had to have his right foot amputated below the knee. I have watched him battle with this and I have actually tried to get him to take up SCUBA since he never has and I think he wouold love it. If he could actually dive I wouldn't care if he "dived DIR or wanker supreme" (to steal from someone else) and neither should anyone else...
My last soapbox for the year!!! Also I just got my copy of DIR - Fundamentals of Better Diving so I will be reading that shortly...