Northeastwrecks:Actually, I don't believe that the ADA is applicable as I don't believe that GUE qualifies as a public accommodation under the ADA. I also don't see it coming within the scope of any other type of activity covered by the ADA.
I have to agree with Northeast here, that was my first reaction when I read the early commentary. The ADA is a law that radical handicapped terrorists and their blood sucking lawyers use to extort $ out of businesses. These are the types that scream to be treated just like everyone else as if they were no different, then demand that mom-and pop shops spends thousands to make their hole in the wall joints wheelchair accessible, demand special bathrooms, demand special parking spaces, get the city of LA to sue a strip joint because the dance platform was wheelchair accessible for wheelchair bound nude dancers. Hey, it was right in the LA Times, made the city council the laughing stock of the nation.
As to politically correct, you can't say "persons with disabilities" anymore either, because that term has not been linguistically deconstructed to it's most lunatic extreme. You have to say "persons with exceptionally differing abilities" to make sure that it is impossible for anyone to tell someone is physically damaged in some fashion, no matter how badly.
Other examples are "manholes" are now "worker access covers" although worker is in the process of being replaced with the superior "downtrodden proletariat exploited masses". You used to be able to say mail-man, then mail-person, but because the male gender is offensive to victim feminists because phonetically mail sounds the same as male, you must now male gender cleanse the language and now you must say person-person to refer to a mail-man.
On the way to a tropical dive trip I overflew the main island in Fiji called Nadi, out of the 747 windows I saw a school that had a huge sign on the side visible from the air. It didn't say handicapped childrens school, it didn't say physically challenged childrens school, it didn't say handi-capable childrens school...it said; "CRIPPLED CHILDRENS SCHOOL" This apparently didn't result in an a factory turning out kids with broken self-esteem issues associated with being labeled with politically incorrect names.
I was on a dive crowded boat the the other day and noticed a woman perfectly walking around in full gear, laughing, diving, having a great time. When she peeled off her wetsuit, she had no leg but had a prosthesis. She unstrapped it, removed it and bikini clad and all, hopped right into the boat's hot tub and generally had a great time.....had quite the bubbly personality to boot. My gut reaction was: "...this woman's awesome!" I wanted to hi-5 her because she didn't let anything stop her from having a blast or feeling sorry for herself and crying about ADA crap.
I would think any instructor would try to reasonably accomodate anyone trying to certified to dive.....it's the right thing to do amongst decent people. Besides, it is an inspiration to the rest of us people.