detroit diver:Nice troll.
If you'd lose the attitude, you'd find out that there are a number of disabled divers that dive DIR. It can be accomodated. But it's not standard, so the answers you got were correct.
Or was it your intention just to p*ss on DIR? Sure seems like it.
I was not intending to upset anyone, my boyfriend is actually starting to take GUE classes and is doing the dir-f course in a few weeks i actually have alot of respect for the DIR way of diving and thats why i would love to take the classes. Unfortunitly if i have to config my gear differently then i wont be able to take the classes. I will still adapt many of there methods of diving but i might have to do my trainning with another agency. I wish i did not have to cause i really want to be a trainned DIR diver but everyone is telling my i might have to go elsewhere.