Marek K
spectrum:I want to get some screw-on delrin caps because I don't trust the rubber ones ours came with.
Yeah, like I said, the ones that came with our two Sherwood DIN fittings were soft rubber. Problem is, they were very short and only fit over the non-threaded orifice end of the fitting. Since they fit rather snugly, I was pretty sure they were reasonably watertight (at least for rinsing).docmartin:the original ones that came with the DS4 were a total joke. they don't even screw on but rather are pliable plastic thingies that you just stick over the thread.
Unfortunately, I found two or three times that they had slipped off the orifice end -- once while rinsing. :11: I immediately removed the SPG and blew the first stage out with compressed air, just in case. That's when I got these Aqua Lung caps, that allow the o-rings to seal against them.