Lynne, when you say what level you want to begin, what do you mean? I know with GUE you start with the Fundies class. With UTD I noticed you could go right to Tech. Does that mean we would miss all the fundamental fine tuning of buoyancy skills and team building or is that covered in tech 1? Or, did I misread the algorithm for UTD?
A lot depends upon your background. In my case, I had gone through TDI decompression procedures when my TDI instructor crossed over to UTD. Thus, he was well aware of my status going into my own cross over, and he put me in at an appropriate level. When new students come in with tech diving experience he will dive with them first to see what skills they are bringing into the crossover. He had one case I know in which he recommended that the diver come in at one level and the diver actually asked to come in at a more basic level instead. The diver ended up ripping through the class in no time and would have been better off (at least financially) following the instructor's recommendation.