In 1998 (during Hurricane Mitch) I myself was acting as a piece of the Bay Islands “Martial Law” Proclamation.
it is not what you have been instructed to believe by the movies.
There are ALWAYS armed uniformed men visible on Roatan.
@KatieMac, there simply can not be any increase this week due to their manpower need on the mainland. Their government is slowly reactive, nowhere close to pro-active. Island life plods along.
I honestly can not tell you the difference between the very scary sounding Martial Rule or Martial Law or whatever the next step is, but... when the Governor hung such credentials on me 22 years ago, he simply said, “go help people, get obstinate people’s heads straight, make sure everybody gets what they need if you can get it”. Yes, I carried my HK pistol, but was given no instruction as to rules.
The Director of RTB Airport Security got upset when I walked on the taxiway fully armed, but after our task, in 20 minutes we were having coffee. For years until he moved on, he would see me in the Customs line and grab me out and give me the process for Diplomatic Entry. A lot more fun stories.
Typical of Honduras, but don’t get your undies in a bunch over nomenclature we really do not understand.
Life will go on, just as it did after Hurricane Mitch.This is an amaz8ngly resilient populace.
Admirable, adaptable people.