Deparate Housewives anti Filipino ??

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Hank, either you have the best care available and a shot at getting it by making certain choices to optimize that....


you have more health care for more people and give up excellence. It is a tough question, but what your choice is will be determined by if you sit below the average or above the average. All I am saying is that our private pay people will always go where the care is the best and they can buy it, wherever that is in the world.

Right now that is here, but that is changing.

I don't think I disagreed with you, did I?
no, maybe not. I agree it is is a big question, I just like talkin.:D

you know..looking for a debate :14:
that's why i watch HOUSE...

and terri hatcher's character is so freaking BOBO (stupid) i mean, does she have to be clumsy in EVERY episode? sheesh...


now, about this PC thing: it's ALL BULL... call a retard a retard for chrissakes...

for example: cosme, you're a retard!

see? that wasn't so hard now? should we call the SPCA now? should the human rights commission choose to boycott me? should my remark come out in ********* here on SB? why should cosme be bothered anyway? he's a retard for chrissakes! :mooner:


Great rant, Jag. You can breathe now.:D
This is awesome....look at how many new people are coming to PPD. I love this ****!!! Keep them coming PPD'ers. We need the business!! ROFLMAO!!!
Everyone has some good points here, especially Catherine who 'cuts through it all'. I think this PC stuff is getting way of of hand. If the comment like the one made on DHW was made about any other group whether it be African American, Hispanic, Homosexuals, or even Disabled people there would have been an uproar!!!! And 'heads would have rolled', but not with Filipinos, why is that?

Just yesterday I heard that a car dealer in Texas was advertising cars with great air-conditioners, his slogan was "Are you tired of WETBACKS", and needless to say the local Hispanic group in town had a fit, and demanded the resignation of the head of the car dealership.

Being fortunate enough to have traveled alot, if I was to take offense every time some one called me or my country a derogatory name, I'd be on a relentless crusade.
There are bigger things to worry about in life. Such as in my city where the Board of supervisors and the Mayor think it's OK, to **** and pee on the streets and the Homeless have a right to live on the street! Oops, I just offended another group:D
The issue was featured today on the O'Reily Factor on cable TV. Bill O'Reilly was taking a "what's the big deal?" attitude. But his guest, a young Fil-Am American professor, replied that it was a big deal because Filipinos are rarely mentioned in American mass media, and that one occassion when they are mentioned, an unflattering characterization is used. Surprizingly, O'Reilly agreed with his guest and called him an intelligent fellow.

Everyone has some good points here, especially Catherine who 'cuts through it all'. I think this PC stuff is getting way of of hand. If the comment like the one made on DHW was made about any other group whether it be African American, Hispanic, Homosexuals, or even Disabled people there would have been an uproar!!!! And 'heads would have rolled', but not with Filipinos, why is that?

Just yesterday I heard that a car dealer in Texas was advertising cars with great air-conditioners, his slogan was "Are you tired of WETBACKS", and needless to say the local Hispanic group in town had a fit, and demanded the resignation of the head of the car dealership.

Being fortunate enough to have traveled alot, if I was to take offense every time some one called me or my country a derogatory name, I'd be on a relentless crusade.
There are bigger things to worry about in life. Such as in my city where the Board of supervisors and the Mayor think it's OK, to **** and pee on the streets and the Homeless have a right to live on the street! Oops, I just offended another group:D
You can graduate with honors cum laude from UST or UP: If you can't pass the Board Exam here in the States, you're nothing but an Orderly. . .

Which reminds me of the story of Elmer Jacinto, top-scoring Filipino med school student in the Philippines? Remember him...?
This is awesome....look at how many new people are coming to PPD. I love this ****!!! Keep them coming PPD'ers. We need the business!! ROFLMAO!!!

Does this mean I get three free dives with PanayExplorers? :D
Friday, October 5, 2007 01:26 PM

A United States senator criticized the ABC network television series 'Desperate Housewives' Thursday and said their humor was "appaling."

Democratic Senator Leland Yee of San Francisco/San Mateo said As a Senator who represents the largest Filipino community outside of the Philippines, I am appalled that the producers and writers at ABC found this type of humor acceptable."

"As a human being, I am disheartened to see that these stereotypes continue to permeate our airwaves and entertainment media," Yee said.

He added that this desperate attempt at humor is offensive and has no place in the community.

"Filipinos, including those trained outside of the United States, have made invaluable impacts on the medical field, and should be valued, not disparaged," Yee said.

He noted, "While I am pleased to see the network issue an apology, I encourage them to do so publicly during the show’s next broadcast and work with the community to heal the wounds caused by this insulting reference."

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