Deparate Housewives anti Filipino ??

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Don't watch the show never will. Hollywood makes it's own reality, and choses to insult anyone who is not IN their small circle of idiots.
Eriediver; there are many Med schools in the Philippines. The University of Santo Thomas has been in existance longer then Harvard. The Southeast Asia Heart Institute in Ilio-Ilio has been doing heart transplants for years, and i a magnet for heart issues for the region.
The education system in the Philippines was originally set up by the Spanish, then taken over by the US, and is recognized throught the world for its high quality!
Something Hollywood does not do well!
I only hope I can grow up to be a real man like you. :mooner:

it's good to have goals in life...:D:lotsalove:
Don't watch the show never will. Hollywood makes it's own reality, and choses to insult anyone who is not IN their small circle of idiots.
Eriediver; there are many Med schools in the Philippines. The University of Santo Thomas has been in existance longer then Harvard. The Southeast Asia Heart Institute in Ilio-Ilio has been doing heart transplants for years, and i a magnet for heart issues for the region.
The education system in the Philippines was originally set up by the Spanish, then taken over by the US, and is recognized throught the world for its high quality!
Something Hollywood does not do well!

My business partner in Iloilo has a son who was born with a major heart murmer. In 1996 or so she took him to the Makati Heart Center (I don't recall one being in Iloilo unless it's new) , where they actually removed his heart, hooked all the arteries and veins up to a machine that continued pumping his blood, patched the hole and put his heart back in. He was up and about in a couple days after. He was about 4 at the time I believe. It is highly regarded as being world class.
Lot of nurses come out of there. Two of my kids were born in Doctors Hospital in Iloilo, and both had their tonsils out in the one across from San Augustin Univ.
Why would anyone be upset by what the degenerates in Hollywood have to say.
The strong and reasonable arguments expressed on both sides of this issue seem to have resulted in a Mexican standoff, unlike the Chinese Fire Drill of wildly off-topic posts so often seen when this sort of topic is discussed.

Actually, I've always liked the expression 'Russian socks' as a description of filthy unwashed feet. I am deeply offended when people use the term 'gyp' as a synonym for 'cheat' because my grandmother was half Romany. When insulting terms are used about ethnic groups to which I do not belong, I'm not offended at all. When my groups are insulted, I am resentful. I'm not sure why this is. I've only recently noticed this odd phenomenon, and am trying to make sense of it.
When insulting terms are used about ethnic groups to which I do not belong, I'm not offended at all. When my groups are insulted, I am resentful. I'm not sure why this is. I've only recently noticed this odd phenomenon, and am trying to make sense of it.

Why? Because you can't (and shouldn't) fight other people's battles.
A Filipina living in the US sent me this. This is pretty rude and I find it hard to believe that the show actually aired with this remark. Anyone see it?

I heard through the grapevine about a remark made on an episode of
"Desperate Housewives" last night. The scene entailed Teri Hatcher's
character (Susan) at a hospital, being told by her gynecologist that
she might be hitting menopause. Susan replied, "Can I just check those
diplomas because I just want to make sure that they are not from some
med school in the Philippines." If you go to, you watch the
full episode and witness the scene at about 18:50 minutes into the

Lighten up, hang loose! It's a comedy for crying out loud! ( supposed to be anyway )

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