Denise's very own NONSENSE THREAD

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Chris, before you come here, you need to watch old episodes of King Of The Hill.

You need to learn to talk like them.

We won't be having any of that Swedish accent stuff down heyah.
Chris, before you come here, you need to watch old episodes of King Of The Hill.

You need to learn to talk like them.

We won't be having any of that Swedish accent stuff down heyah.


Yes, sir! I'll start working on it right away, sir! Are we talking "ding dang ole" speak, or just a nice, southern accent?
Ok, if you found that to be "fantastic", we've stumbled upon another thing you'll have to work on before coming here...

Your sense of humor.


Hehe :wink: Actually, he's known for saying "Faaaantastic" way too often (for people not equally interested in old rocks and primitive boats).

I have a great sense of humor! I also know a joke. You know the green "grass" on top of the carrots? Do you know what they used it for during WW2?

For pulling up the carrots.
I have a great sense of humor! I also know a joke. You know the green "grass" on top of the carrots? Do you know what they used it for during WW2?

For pulling up the carrots.


you might want to cancel your trip in July, there's not enough time to help you before then.
Well, there's hope. You at least recognize my comedic genius.

Yep, it's a start, and as you know, we're in that dark and cold time of the year. The sense of humor usually starts improving in March, and reaches its maximum in late July.

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