Denise's very own NONSENSE THREAD

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Me too. It's sad, actually. :( I was hoping for some fun reading on my birthday...
Me too. It's sad, actually. :( I was hoping for some fun reading on my birthday...

Is that all you ask?

Well, let me see if I can deliver.

Once upon a time, we had lots of fun on here.

This is way back, before the fun police went around issuing citations, and ran a bunch of people off. The rest of us hide in this little corner of the forums.

The group of us used to dive together (back when I was always diving...)

And we would have quite of bit of material, usually at each other's expense, sometimes our own.

With this in mind, I present to you, direct from the Assinine Press News room, these following articles....

Ok, then there were various other postings...

Remember when I was addicted? (No, not you Chris, again, this was before your time.. :D)

Wow, digging deeper into my own past... Back before I new the now famous SeaYoda, and even SBM!

Oh, how time flies!

Oh, the memories...
Is that all you ask?

Well, let me see if I can deliver.

Once upon a time, we had lots of fun on here.

You sure do! :) I think we still have lots of fun. E.g Denise's eggs. :rofl3:

Remember when I was addicted? (No, not you Chris, again, this was before your time.. :D)

Wow, digging deeper into my own past... Back before I new the now famous SeaYoda, and even SBM!

Oh, how time flies!

Yeah, strange how things turn out the way they do...

Actually, my profile says I signed up in March 2006, but I can't remember doing so. Anyway, up until a couple of months ago, I had 5 posts. Why did I suddenly become active again? The swine flu nearly bored me to death. Also, I needed some help on planning my holiday. :wink:

Oh, the memories...

One thing is for sure - nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Of course, I'll do the obligatory Happy Birthday! thing.

Blah blah blah blah...

Thanks! :D

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