Dell Computers

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I'm posting off a dell laptop now. It has better than my moms desktop does, more memory and a faster processor as well. The make-your-own isn't a make your own, it's a tell me what you want, we'll find the closest and bill you for the extras kind of deal. Thats what the laptop was.
I hate dells. They're like the Fisher Price of computers. Buy 2 laptops of the same type, take them apart and they'll have different parts in them and they aren't swapable!! They're tech support sucks and it takes days to get parts. We had a VP with a dead hard drive and it took over a week to get a replacement!! That's horrible. Compaq and HP will overnight for free too. If you want a cheap computer, go ahead and buy one!! You'll also get what you buy! Personally I have an HP laptop and an IBM desktop. I would never buy Dell or Gateway. IBM's are more, but they have less failures. The 2 companies that I have worked for that use IBM's had less issues then I do now with Dell's. But at least I'm guarenteed a job this way!
Dell has some pretty good deals on computers these days and Its time I upgraded mine. I don't want to build my own, I just want to buy it outright. The problem is that I've heard Dell just buys a bunch of crappy componants and throws them together. I've heard some say they'd never buy one.

Anybody have any experiences with them?
I bought 2 Dell Inspirion 1100 Laptops for mobile use. Its been almost a year now and I dont have a single complaint with either one. I even run them wireless so I can surf the net from anywhere in my house or within 300' from it.

I too have heard some bad reports but, based on what I needed at the time and the cost of them on sale, I took a chance and have not regretted it so far.

Good Luck!
Dell has some pretty good deals on computers these days and Its time I upgraded mine. I don't want to build my own, I just want to buy it outright. The problem is that I've heard Dell just buys a bunch of crappy componants and throws them together. I've heard some say they'd never buy one.

Anybody have any experiences with them?

My whole company uses Dell's Rarely a problem. On the rare occasion there is a problem...excellent service.
I hate dells. They're like the Fisher Price of computers. Buy 2 laptops of the same type, take them apart and they'll have different parts in them and they aren't swapable!! They're tech support sucks and it takes days to get parts. We had a VP with a dead hard drive and it took over a week to get a replacement!

The Dells made in the past 2 years have shown significantly more problems at work than the older Dells. I despise Dell notebooks. I bought a fairly inexpensive notebook ($1100.00) a couple of years ago and replaced the AC adpater twice, but the most annoying problem was that the plastic case expanded so my RJ-45 cable would not stay plugged in.

Since I'm a webmaster and programmer for my company, I was allowed to buy any computer for my workstation and I bought a screamer from Velocity Micro:
and the cases are the coolest!

This Velocity box rocks (and so does my Sony notebook).

Don't get that Dell, dude...
I find it hard to believe that noone else has posted this yet...

:) no really !!! ... it's WAY better !

macs arent bad if you dont mind paying double for 1/2 the performance, and then paying even more if you want to change any of the components outs via there propritery connectors. there more flair and fluff then substance.

Comcrap need i say more i had a laptop less then a week out of warrenty and i had a simple question about a battery, they wanted 125 buxs to answer it, never again. besides this during the course of the warrenty period that machine spent more time being fixed then i used it at all

Dell is the maker of my current laptop and it has been rock solid, few minor things fixed under the warrenty, but i got caught in that overseas BS that took them 30+ days to resolve a broken battery clip on my laptop. well after 5 calls to tech support and no answers i faxed and called michael
Dells office and the next morning at 8am i had a Tech support Supervisor calling me asking how this could be resolved, well 24hrs later new bottom chasis to my laptop and a additional year on my warrenty fixed my displeasure with them.

so if you ever have a problem with dell support and are unhappy go over them all and to the top and you will get some answers in a hurry.

as for the rest of my computers i build them my self as i know what componets work and what i need. plus my current desktop would cost well over 3k if i had a company build it as it uses some high end boards and video cards. plus as time goes on i will be able to upgrade and update components as needed, yeah a dell system would be a little cheaper but they dont put matrox video cards in systems and use the new 10K Raptor drive in systems (or charge 3x for the drive then retail)


Most of what you hear is true, about the crappy stuff. And tech support is a direct hotline to hell. No one there speaks real English, and none of them know anything more than "Pleese twy restarhting serh" "Oohkay try deez an din call zis noombre bak ageen"

Then you call back: "Ooh, serh, Aiah cannut teel joo eech peersoon yoo speeked wif, cen aiah vee of heelp to joo?"

So, yes, I have had some experiences with them.

My modem was bad, they sent a dude with a new one, it was bad too. Finally just bought a good one myself. And all that was after 6+ hours hearing conversations similar to the above quotes.

In the past i worked as a repair guy for dell and had to go onsight to fix problems. All the hardware was name brand, US robotics modem, Intel sys and soundblaster sound cards. This was the only computer company to use real stuff in there. gateway and compaq make their own crap!
I hate dells. They're like the Fisher Price of computers. Buy 2 laptops of the same type, take them apart and they'll have different parts in them and they aren't swapable!! They're tech support sucks and it takes days to get parts. We had a VP with a dead hard drive and it took over a week to get a replacement!! That's horrible. Compaq and HP will overnight for free too. If you want a cheap computer, go ahead and buy one!! You'll also get what you buy! Personally I have an HP laptop and an IBM desktop. I would never buy Dell or Gateway. IBM's are more, but they have less failures. The 2 companies that I have worked for that use IBM's had less issues then I do now with Dell's. But at least I'm guarenteed a job this way!

biased opinion... dell has next day onsight service.... cant beat that!
The Dells made in the past 2 years have shown significantly more problems at work than the older Dells. I despise Dell notebooks. I bought a fairly inexpensive notebook ($1100.00) a couple of years ago and replaced the AC adpater twice, but the most annoying problem was that the plastic case expanded so my RJ-45 cable would not stay plugged in.

Since I'm a webmaster and programmer for my company, I was allowed to buy any computer for my workstation and I bought a screamer from Velocity Micro:
and the cases are the coolest!

This Velocity box rocks (and so does my Sony notebook).

Don't get that Dell, dude...

No these are the coolest cases......
I recently bought a new computer, i was going to buy a dell, it was a good deal but they usually only come with an office package 7.0 or something, and if you dont pay $300 to install the microsoft office, you cant email a word or spreadsheet document to another computer because it wont be compatible. the guy suggested we just illegally copy the office package from someone and install it ourselves but i didnt want the hassle. plus it takes 10 days to get the PC cuz they have to put it together. i went with a compaq in the end, it has all the usual compatible things and is going good.

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