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And don't worry... I will dive with you even you follow "unsafe" practices... just kidding...
Here is a sneak preview of my exhaust silencer 3D printed exhaust can.
This is the regulator I normally use, but I changed it to DIN fitting, removed the octopus, and added the cross-over LP hose.
The exhaust silencer is made from 1000 tiny holes (OK, only 999 to be exact).
The sum of the exhaust gas flow area is several times that of the cross-sectional area in the exhaust hose or any of the exhaust gas path. So, I have done lots of calculations and lots of testing (properly instrumented and otherwise) and the flow impedance from this modification is barely measurable (or actually not at all).
The exhaust is broken down into tiny bubbles, which quiets it down to a much lower sound than the intake noise. I don’t have the instrumentation for acoustic testing, so all I can do is comparison testing.
I will have a lot more info to follow, including some inside pictures. I made some really nice changes to the inside valve area also.
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The regulator on the right is my primary regulator. These are my two working prototypes.
More to follow. Note, the back cans are the original injection molded.
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