You're using an example of a working dive, not a dive done for recreation. Has no bearing on me.
Actually it was referring to recreational cave exploration, but perhaps you don't do that.
I started trimix diving as a graduate student, hardly wealthy. It's a prioritization issue. I want to have fun, safe dives that I actually remember. I PLAN to be doing lots of complex decision making at depth. That's just part of the fun. Diving stoned doesn't help.
Unless you learned how to dive deep air and you wouldn't dive stoned.

I'd rather *prioritize* doing fun dives, which means choosing gases to help *me* have a good time. If that means I can't dive in some far off places or deep every day, so be it. Locations with no access to helium are probably also the same ones with less readily available hyperbaric medical facilities to treat me if I did make a mistake, which of course is more likely if I'm diving stoned. In such remote locations, I'd rather just keep the diving shallow. In any case, to do deep dives safely, regardless of gas mix, you're going to need to spend some money. Really no way around that.
I know all you have to go by is your personal experience and no one is forcing you to listen to people more experienced. You can think what you wish to think, but that doesn't make it true.
I *love* have you just as arbitrarily come up with 50'. Why not 20'? Yes, we *do* need to decide (for ourselves, our families, and teammates) what level of cognitive impairment is acceptable. No question that just submerging in water is already reducing cognitive functions. The issue is how far are you willing to let those functions deteriorate. And they will with increasing depth. And the consequences of bad decision making ALSO magnify with increasing depth. That CESA you so love from 50' might not be a big deal, but if your poor decisions lead you to do the same from 150' with 30 minutes of deco, you're likely not to have such a positive outcome.
Again you show your ignorance, the 50' depth limit has been proven by various hyperbaric research facilities. Do your homework.
If you are doing a 30 min decompression dive without decompression bottles, you shouldn't be in the water at all. Any emergency ascent would be to the bottles not the surface.

...I'm just disagreeing with your earlier suggestion that we should all go get deep air experience before diving trimix. I *do* think that's stupid. To me it's like suggesting all 16 year-olds first learn to drive drunk so that they could manage getting home from a late night out at the bar. It misses a more obvious solution.
I am not the OP. You obviously have equated deep air to driving drunk; your logic escapes me.
Really, I get it that there are easy dives you can do on air at 150' (and deeper). There's nothing the matter with your approach, for you. But that's not how I dive.
Which is what I acknowledged in a previous post.