...narcosis effects your ability to think and problem solve but has little effect on your motor skills. If this is the case, all that training does is help to engrain the motor skills that you would need for a regular dive to that depth. The problem I see, is what if something goes wrong and you have to think through the problem.... will you be able to solve it diving deep air?
Thanks Ryan, good question; you're right. Narcosis is something that is insidious in-that it starts to affect you before you are aware of it. If the diver remains unaware, its affect may continue to increase to a point where it's debilitating. If a diver hasn't experienced this before the complications caused can be fatal. Obviously people don't die of narcosis, but by their own actions under the effects of narcosis.
Part of the instructional process helps the diver understand and anticipate the effects of narcosis, thus becoming aware. This shouldn't be underestimated. Planning is simplified and exposure time is limited by design. Subsequent exposure helps the diver recognize how he is being affected, drills are practiced, etc. So the first advantage of deep air training is the early detection of narcosis. This is followed by the advantages of dive planning including the development of the proper mental attitude. Narcosis should never cause a problem to a serious degree, as if you are aware and start to get to the point of being seriously affected, you ascend before it's affects take hold.
If an increase in narcosis performance is present, it has been attributed to repetition of the required task, so training that addresses key areas may only increase performance if it is one that has been foreseen; as opposed to creative thinking. No one is able to think as creatively as they could on the surface and this presents an additional danger to the deep air diver.
I am not taking the position that diving Deep Air is totally safe; anymore than using a CCR or decompression diving is totally safe. None of these are.
When we undertake any of these activities, the level of risk increases. In each case, additional training and experience may mitigate the hazard. The aim is to make the risk manageable or at the least, acceptable to the participant.
Despite some of the comments made, I'm perfectly aware of the advantages of Helium having logged 4032 hours saturated one year. The simple fact remains that it's not available to everyone, everywhere. If there are people that don't have this problem, that's great. In reality, it's not that easy for everyone.
I also understand that people here dive for fun and games. If a dive requires too much risk from their perspective, they can go bowling instead. I cannot help but think that a "technical diver" lecturing me on risk is somewhat amusing.