I generally don't like to exceed 200, but I've functioned quite well down to around 225 ft. Deepest air dive, was about 289 and I was very wasted ( a one-time stupid stunt). I've also, totally exerted myself and got pretty wasted at 190 feet (numb lips and tongue, perceptual narrowing, sound of breathing and bubbles screaming in your head, etc.)
I've had no training in technical or deep air diving, so these are just my personal observations.
dumpsterDiver, this is intended with no disrespect, but I would like to understand a couple of things that does not make any sense to me. Once again, this is not an attack, I am only trying to understand and educate myself along the way.
My understand of diving on air to these depths have some serious issues. At 289 feet (88 meters) on 21% air, your PO2 will be 2.2. Nitrogen saturation well over 170%. These figures are based on a 2 min bottom time.
Secondly your CNS levels will be well over 150, most likely causing uncontrolled convulsions!!! How did you manage, as this is very dangerous.