I beg to differ..... I was not being glib..... I believe there are divers like this OP with an honest desire to become safe tech divers ( as safe as we can be doing something like this), and that there is something like a "minefield" of tech instruction choices for a guy like this to try and chose from....his own class was a great case-in-point.... What came across to you as glib, was my honestly believing that a guy like this could get exactly what he really wanted from the start, via the Fundies route. Tech instruction has always had a percentage of shops offering the equivalent of what underhanded Used Car Salesmen have pushed for years.....Well, this may be unfair to the used car salesmen, but the idea should get across. Sure, mentoring is awesome IF you can find the right tech expert. And yes, most agencies have some great instructors that teach tech (most

)....But a budding tech student with normal dive background will not be liekly to know good from bad.....The GUE Fundies route eliminates the danger of this.....and even if he just took Fundies, after this, his knowledge and skill would be such that from then on he "could" discern good tech instructor from bad, and nonsense tech ideas and proceedures from good ones.
---------- Post added January 26th, 2013 at 08:21 PM ----------
I don't know what you are getting at....If this guy went through fundies with Bob, he would finally get all the dive education he somehow missed before. Even if he could not pass on the first go around, he would "know what he did not know", and could keep working on this till he did know. One thing you could be sure of, he would not get a pass, without knowing enough to be an entirely different diver than he is now.