I realise that I'll get probably get more flak following this post but those are the facts and I cannot change things that have already happened. Basically, I did not do anything different from any other diver on board except the major error during the ascent and safety stop with the SFM dive. As I have said many times, I realise that it was a big mistake, the consequences could have been more serious and I was very lucky that they were not. I will be more careful in the future and plan dives properly. I will not even consider any dive which is beyond acceptable recreational depths. Beyond that, I cannot do anything now; I am certainly not going to cut my own throat to appease anyone.
Finally I think you've hit the nail on the head with this post. I don't think anyone has been too mean to you, and we all appreciate your open-ness in posting this thread. Maybe you should consider taking some technical training; you're an experienced diver who has an obvious interest in diving spots that are really technical dives, and since you're a doctor, we assume you can afford it!