I have that as an option. Get to Dive Bus when they open, go do Directors and Tug, then return to Dive Bus. If it's early enough, grab a tank and walk across the street for dive 3. But most likely, with a group of 7 putzing around we won't get back to Dive Bus til 2pm or so and by then I'm sure some if not all of us will be ready for some cold beer and relaxing. I was thinking we'd hang out on Mambo from 2pm to 6-7pm but maybe we could do Mambo 4pm to 8pm.
If we geared up at Lagun and brought tanks we could be at Directors at 8am and done with Tug by noon but then we would have all our valuables and change of clothes in the car and I've heard that Directors is one place where you're vehicle is very vulnerable. The reason I wanted to use Dive Bus is to leave our stuff there.
With two trucks, we might be able to shuffle between Directors and Tug to drop 5 divers and all gear at Directors, 2 persons take the trucks to Tug, leave the stuff in a truck at Tug, and bring the other truck to Directors. I think Tugboat would be more secure (no guarantees anywhere) but that sounds like a hassle.
I'm starting to see the benefit of having a couple of non-divers on a trip, lol.