Perhaps we need to determine these things earlier in the month. I would like to have a fixed schedule so we can expect the dive to happen within a certain county during certain months but vote for the site each time. Maybe every 4th event be a boat dive or catalina trip or special event. We could vote to change any dive to a boat dive from that county (SD, Long Beach, Ventura), or vote for whichever beach we want. I'd like to do a some trips to Mexico and some nice boat dives (Channel Islands, Farnsworth Banks, San Clemente, Oil platforms, etc).headhunter:Sean,
No offense taken. I welcome and value your feedback, but hope that you feel I should be allowed an opinion as well.
I started writing my other post about an hour ago, but got interrupted several times in the process, so I just saw this. That's why it was posted 45 minutes after your post without reading your post.
I agree with you that it would be nice for these events to go up and down the coast, so that everyone can attend locally. So, I'll quote myself here from a previous post in this thread:
I mention Catalina because of the great rates at this time of year. I mention going south for the warmer temperatures. While Catalina is technically in L.A. County, it takes me longer to get there than to go to San Diego or Santa Barbara. So, I'm not sure why you would say "2 in a row in LA county isn't right". You make it sound like I'm trying to pull a fast one although I'm sure that's not what you meant. Quite frankly, (as I discussed with sb_diver over the weekend) I'd like to go to SB and camp at Refugio, which would put me in complete agreement with you on this point.
On the other hand, do you think that a few days of discussion about the date are needed before putting up a poll about the date? If so, I would disagree on this point. People are either available or they are not. While location would have a bearing on whether or not someone would be able to attend and I can see merit in discussing location before date for this reason, it didn't seem like a particularly bad idea to poll for a date without discussion. Of course, I may be misunderstanding your point here.
The bottom line is that I think we are on the same side here. We both have enjoyed these dive events and just want them to get better. I think that a few days of discussion before putting up a poll about the location would be in order and I thank you for pointing that out.
I'd like to know what others think about this, since I want to be sure to take everyone's opinions into account when it comes to casting my votes when it is time.
Thank you for the ongoing dialog.
How about this:
Jan - San Diego
Feb - Orange County
March - Los Angeles
April - Boat Dive
May - San Diego
June - Orange County
July - Los Angles
Aug - La Bufadora, Mexico ?
Sept - San Diego
Oct - Orange County
Nov - Los Angles
Dec - Boat Dive
What do you think?