Yes, they give their name. NOPE, I can't remember it for more that 3 seconds. That is why I call my wife "Honey" and "Pretty Lady". I forgot her name years ago.

Well....You get the picture.
Sorry, I NEVER said that. What I said was that when I bought the store, the previous owner had PLENTY & I didn't need to order any FOR AWHILE.
If you reread my post, you will see that I asked you if you had had the service that I had during my first season, would YOU have ordered from you guys?
I had enough inventory to get me most of the way through the first summer. After the service I recieved, I decided to just pick up another line or two of products. I also said that you missed out on about $150,000 in sales this season.
This is very true. However, that is one of my major faults. I believe it is up to YOU to keep my business. I should not have to BEG to get service from you. I figure that if my business is no more important than that, there are PLENTY of companies out there that would LOVE to have a shot at it.
One more thing, I noticed that you totally ignored ALL of the questions above asked by Marek K ond OkieDiver. Please respond to those questions.