Well I needed a PB win to make the point.
So you are saying it DOES help me feel better? I am, actually thinking of buying some steel tanks so I dont have to use the 100 al rental as the only offer them in 32 at MerryD. The other deal is MerryD will only fill to 3000 regardless of the tank's working pressure. So a 100 AL a big underfill at 3000. So if I buy steel, should I just get the 100 which will also get a short fill or should I jump up to the 120 with a short fill.
And that was why I asked Dave if he filled other tanks. If I could get a full fill of a 100 with the extra sweet Aldora air at 36% I would just pretty much be in heaven.
No no no.... You said basically any bottom time under the NDL has the exact same amount of risk but provided no empirical evidence. evidence. Why are there NDL limits and why do computer algorithms all figure it differently? I posit because they all come up with different ideas of where nitrogen loaded gets TOO bad. Hence a sliding scale, hence lower on the scale has to be better, hence less is more, more or less. Thank you. Tip the wait staff, I will be here all week.
Wait, where does it say being under the influence increase the chance of DCS? I have hear the old dehydration FROM drinking thing, but not simple drunk diving. Oh sure it could kill you from lots of other things, but DCS? I would think lubing up would help get the nitrogen in and out of solution all the quicker. Hey wait, that is science, like substances which are more soluble in ethanol (an organic solvent) than water are primarily covalent in nature. These include substances such as nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, etc. These covalent molecules are very insoluble in water, but very soluble in organic solvents if I am not mistaken, so technically drinking should allow you to keep more nitrogen in solution. Not sure if you would have to stay drunk or not to get the nitrogen from coming out for lack of solvent.
I'm not in until the 11th of September. Yes I am flying that day. I know I live dangerously. How long are you there?
And he is a pantywaist. They were only Ray's margs at El Moro. It wasn't like I feed him a Guido marg. Thank goodness its a short walk home from Guidos.
@Dave Dillehay talked me into a Fat Tuesday's marg. That was literally a 7-11 Slushy. It may have a had a second cousin that once saw a bottle of tequila in a parade but that's it. Of course FT did have a lovely nachos plate with pump cheese to go with that. But Dave loves a slushy apparently.....