Cure for a shiner?

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So far, the teeth line up, no headache, really not much swelling, normal's just ugly and sore. I have not yet reached the leech level of desperation, though. Did you read the part about leeches getting lost?! Gave me the willies!
O-ring once bubbled...
I can't wait to get a shiner and try it! I will just have to drive quite a ways to find a bait shop in DC...

Hey Eric. Stop and pick some up on the way to Dutch... we'll see if we can come up with a way to fulfill your fantasy! :thumb:

kelpmermaid... Aleve or something like that could help reduce the swelling some, as well as a good dosing of ice for the next couple of days. The swelling is what you just need to clear up to deal with a mask [just remember to equalize early and often!]

There is always the 'makeup' method... but personally I'd be inclined to come up with a better story than you gave us and just wear it with pride. [skiing injuries seem to be the most believable ;)]. But that could be just 'cause I look really funny with makeup on.

However as far as the timing goes, I wouldn't be too concerned about it. Even the nastiest bruises I've had recently have gone past the painful stage in about 3 days.
Wasn't it an episode of ER where they cleaned up a case of gangrene with fly larva?

You know, I think I have heard about that somewhere else, not on ER.

I will keep icing. I actually consulted the Kaiser Permanente (HMO) handbook, and that's what they suggest doing for 48 hours after the injury. Spectre's right, I ought to think up something more exciting as a cause, though.
After the first 48 hrs, you can use warm compresses to increase circulation to help flush away all of the "dark" matter!

Of course, a warm cloth on the eye is not a cool as a few leeches.
If all attempts to "cure" your black eye fail, make up an awesome story about it.
..... one of the shark's in the tank got a little squirlley...or... hey I thought they called them hammerheads beacause of the "shape" of their heads, not what they actually do to a head.....

Be creative and have fun, When life throws you battle scars, make battle stories. :D

Crispy once bubbled...
Be creative and have fun, When life throws you battle scars, make battle stories.

This is my new motto. :D
It never fails, Bad Day= go read scuba board.... You guys are great.... Black eye... well I have always used raw steak or ice... but might have to try the leech thing, it would scare anyone away that was bothering me.
"you should see the other guy!"

i've gotten some strange looks when i've used that one....
that it seems to be resolving well. After the ice, I did some warm compresses and have used some arnica gel, a homeopathic treatment for bruises, muscle stiffness, etc. The line along the bone still has some reddish purple, but it is surrounded by yellow, and I think this is progress. In Southern California, I also have the outdoor option of sunglasses. By tomorrow, I might even be able to hide it with concealer...
Why do people assume that a woman of a certain age with a black eye must have experienced domestic violence? I know the bank teller meant well, but...
I'll bear your response in mind, though, divemistress.

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