CSSP Friday July 21?

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New Pavillion:huh:
I thought that was Foo's RV ...

Foo did you get any wheels for that thing yet or is it still on skids?
You really should. That has got to be hard to drag behind Donald's truck.
I will probably not be able to even leave home until 11:00 or so, now. We're having transportation issues (in other words, everything's breaking down at once, duh) and I'll need to wait to leave until my daughter returns home from an appointment in the morning. This has just come up, but it's important, so it's the way it is... that will make me around 12:30 getting there, yall please save a dive or two for me! So sorry, but I'm not going to cancel out. See you all then! (Good, Mike, come on out!)
I may be out tomorrow, not sure yet. Maybe about 11ish.

East side, huh?

Take a walk on the wild side... You're gonna love it!
You guys do a dive for me!
You guys do a dive for me!

Well, okay- if you insist! I did a couple of great dives today, around 80 min each. Just needed a shorty again, too. Niiiiiiiice. The first dive, we set out with 6 of us- Timeliner, Sealskin, ZzzKing and his dive buddy Paula, Frankdr and me. Well, the vis was pretty poor, so it only took around 5 minutes for the group to ditch me and Frankdr, as they were in hot pursuit of Sisco. lol. When we realized that we were on our own, we piddled around the southwestern wall, the grassy shallows,(saw probably 8-10 turtles this dive) to a platform where we played a bit and practiced a few skills, crossed the lake and ended up back with our group close to the exit point. So that should show them that we can't be ditched so easily!

My second dive was with Timeliner and Frankdr, the others had to leave earlier than us. We did a nav dive across the lake to the cabin cruiser, and Timeliner received an ovation from all of us for successfully leading us perfectly to the boat. We played along the boat for a while, then cruised down "platform lane" to the airplane, crossed the lake to the western wall, and finished back at our southwest entry/exit dock. Again, the vis was low, but there were still plenty of fishies to enjoy, especially tons of babies. Those little 3" long striped bass are fearless and friendly. All in all, another very nice day at the swamp, thanks to everyone who showed.

Ken, I hope your foot is doing better!

p.s. There was a strange occurance while we were on surface interval today- Timeliner had gone for an air fill while Frankdr and Sealskin and I were chatting at the pavillion. We heard this popping sound and looked to see a "waterspout" churning on the lake! It looked like a mini tornado, was moving fast and furiously across the water, until it lost strength and disappeared. I know some of you may see these every day, but I was amazed by it, as I don't believe I've ever seen that before!
Ken, I hope your foot is doing better!

Thanks....it is feeling a lot better. Maybe I can get out and dive next weekend. I sure hope so! We'll see...
It was was a good day. The Wind Devil was a trip and the Perch were bloody thursty.

Sealskin98 had this new Pearl ear ring to show off to us that he got down in Mexico
( I say had ) The fish snapped it right off.

I really didn't think the Vis. was all that bad actually ... I mean, I didn't need a light or anything. That was the clearest shallow water lake I've been in this Summer.

I made it home with empty air tanks but still had 1/2 bag of Fritos and $5 dollars in my pocket so it's all good.

Ain't Life Grand :D
I enjoyed diving with you guys. Hope to again sometime. Sorry we left before the water spout. I haven't seen one of those in quite a while.
Do any of you know what the deal was with the picnic table being in the water? It was almost straight out from the pontoon entry over near the plane. Later that evening it was on the plane, it had to be moved sometime around 16:30 (Saturday). If I looked at my computer I could probably pinpoint that down more as it was out there at the beginning of one of my dives but not the end. The move was actually slightly amusing as my instructor went looking for it and couldn't find it as he was going to recover it (and later did). Well we found it when we decended on the plane for a night dive. That was a little bit of a surprise.

As far as the vis I only dove on Saturday but it was fine in the morning, I'd say 15'+ but I was only diving around the plane and that general area. In the late afternoon and evening it wasn't nearly so good. As bad as 6' in some places.
I don't know who the idiots were who put the table in the water. Although I would like to find out, as those kinda people should be banned from ever coming thru the gate again. :censored:
That kinda childish behavior really hacks me off........................(climbs down from soapbox)

As Firefyter and I were packing up to leave, a couple of other divers asked us about the table. We hadn't seen it on our dives and were surprised to hear about it. These guys were going to try to put the table on top of the plane so it would be easy to find. They didn't want to try to recover it with out a lift bag, but would try to get it out of the weeds. That was just about 1630 on Saturday, so that would of been about right. I thank you guys for bringing it up.

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