I had to do some reaserch into why you posted about this LOL. Apparently Some Christians beleive this attack was predicted by Jesus in the book of Daniel. And you would like me to beleive the Temple was destroyed because Jews don't beleive in Jesus.
But it doesn't make that beleif correct, the truth is the Romans felt the need to test the jews by trying to push their multi-diety religion on the the people of Israel.
They decided to up hold the tenents of the 10 commands and beleive there is 1 god and worshiping another god is ripe for punishment.
BTW from Wikipedia:
First Jewish-Roman War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The revolt began in 66 in Caesarea, provoked by Greeks sacrificing birds in front of a local synagogue.[2] The Greek-speaking Roman garrison did not intercede. In an act of defiance, the son of Kohen Gadol (High priest) Eliezar ben Hanania ceased prayers and sacrifices for the Roman Emperor at the Temple and subsequently led a successful attack on the Roman garrison stationed in Jerusalem. The pro-Roman king Agrippa II and his sister Berenice fled Jerusalem to Galilee, where later they gave themselves up to the Romans. Cestius Gallus, the legate of Syria, brought reinforcements to restore order, but was soundly defeated at the Battle of Beth Horon. While retreating, Legio XII Fulminata even lost its aquila.
So it was The Romans in a way trying to force their religion on the Jews, and Jews tend to fight back.