big are the moons of Jupitor? If they are substantially larger than the earth, than, no, their volcanic activity does not signify age.
Earth has volcanic activity, but we have aged rock to know that volcanic activity does not equate to youth.
Second...who cares how life was created or from where or who. The bigger question we might need to be asking, who made GOD? Where did he come from or evolve from? Did he grow from oooze of playdough? Did he just appear out of "abra cadabra? Or did man make him up, and he is only an idea of man?
Earth has volcanic activity, but we have aged rock to know that volcanic activity does not equate to youth.
Second...who cares how life was created or from where or who. The bigger question we might need to be asking, who made GOD? Where did he come from or evolve from? Did he grow from oooze of playdough? Did he just appear out of "abra cadabra? Or did man make him up, and he is only an idea of man?