I would like to refer back to the original threat namely, the question about evolution and creation.
The basic question is who to believe… the evolutionary scientists or the creationary scientists. Herewith a few quotes:
“Evolutionists believe for instance that amphibians changed into reptiles (including dinosaurs) by this gradual process. This would mean, of course, that there would have been millions of creatures during that time that would be ‘in between,’ as amphibians evolved into reptiles. Evidence of these ‘transitional forms,’ as they are called, should be abundant. However, many fossil experts admit that not one unquestionable transitional form between any group of creatures and another has been found anywhere”.
“The fundamental debate is really about the most trustworthy source of information about history. Do we start with the Bible, which God says is true in every detail, including its history, or do we start with the changing theories of imperfect man? God has filled the world with clear evidences that confirm the truth of His Word and the certainty of the Christian faith. The fossil record itself is an incredible testimony to the truth of God’s Word and His promise to “blot out” all land dwelling, air-breathing animals and humans in a worldwide catastrophe”.
“If one were to calculate the average depth of all of the granite that encases our earth, including the mountains and valleys both above and below water, we would end up with a 6 1/2 mile deep granite crust”.
“Scientists have traditionally taught us that the age of the earth is about 4.5 billion years old. They make this claim based on the half-life (the amount of time that it takes for an inert substance to lose half of its mass) of Uranium 238 that is found in granite ore samples. This observation concludes that by the time that our earth becomes 9 billion years old, it will disintegrate and become cosmic dust”.
“It is a fact the Helium 3 naturally occurs in our upper atmosphere. It is equally true that Helium 4 is also found at the same atmospheric level. However, H-4 is a direct by-product of the dying off of the U-238 found in the granite. This decaying process produces the alpha particles that ascend into our upper atmosphere, which in turn produces the H-4. By again equating the half-life of U-238 (4.5 billion years) with the volume of H-4 found in our upper atmosphere, we now know that the earth is only around 6600 years old. This equation has been academically verified and is now fully accepted by many experts in the field”.
I am not a scientist but I am merely quoting what the experts are saying. These quotes confirm what I believe in: God created everything in six glorious days and the world is not as old as many unfounded theories are indicating. Did you know that many evolutionary scientists now embrace creationary science?