"Originally Posted by AXL72 View Post
Finally, I find it appalling that the bible and christianity in general would stoop so low and be so blatant to actually come out with the first of the 10 commandments, "You shall have no other gods before Me,"
The level of historical and cultural ignorance required to believe that the first commandment is about cash flow is really quite amusing.
Sorry all this was a few posts back but really requires a reply.
The logic to prove that god does not exist is within the supernatural texts themselves.
If you assume the evidence for any religion is the same and all religions are equally valid, then there can be no true gods and the founding statement for these supernatural religions is false.
1. There are at least 2 religions (Islam and Christianity for starters, but there are obviously many many more) which state that their god is the one and only true god.
2. Given that only one can be the true god, yet there are more than one, and they all state they are the true one. They must all be false, there cannot be one true god.
3. Therefore the statement in these religious texts cannot be true, therefore these texts are false. And it follows the texts have no credibility beyond words written by people to convey a particular agenda at that time in history.
The evidence and science behind the belief in the supernatural is all the same the evidence for gods, religion, creationism, fairies, gnomes, father christmas, Bunyips (australian billabong creature) is all same and is a belief in the supernatural, completely unfounded feel good stuff. I am loath to put the poor old Bunyip in there but there is the same amount of evidence for it as there is for god or the tooth fairy.