Sin, in general, causes trouble. Why would anybody choose to commit any sin?
Restate: Why would anyone *choose* to commit that
particular "sin", when a reasonable alternative exists? (i.e. just be attracted to the opposite sex)
Do you remember, at some point, consciously making a decision to be attracted to women? (As in: "Hmmm...I guess I could go either way, but I think I like the girls better.") No, you didn't, and neither did I, because it was always a "given" for us that we were attracted to the opposite sex. We just knew we were straight, right? In the same vein, do you think that being attracted to the SAME sex (rather than opposite) from as early as you can remember (a "given") is something a homosexual has *chosen* to do? You
really think homosexuals have made a conscious *choice* to be gay? I guess you would
have to believe that if you believe that god doesn't create what he then declares to be "sin."
On a side-note, what would be the pay-off for choosing a gay lifestyle if you're not gay?? I don't know about you, but you couldn't PAY me to have sex with another woman. No attraction *whatsoever* to that. :no Now, heap discrimination and hate from both strangers and family on top of it... I say again: Who would *choose* that? What is the pay-off? Especially for Christian homosexuals?