How does being gay cause trouble? Who is being harmed (other than the bigots who, through insecurity, cannot tolerate something that seems different).
Homosexuality seems primarily harmful to those who engage in it...higher rates of STDs, domestic violence, mental health problems, drug abuse and so on.
Intolerance causes trouble. "Sin" is a construct made up in a society thousands of years old. Some of us have evolved since then.
The intolerence word again. Some would have us believe that they are a legitimate minority. While I don't understand how one's sex acts makes them a minority like blacks, hispanics or whatever, the gay "agendy" seems intolorent (down right hostile) toward "traditional" values, specifically Christian.
But what is this intolerance you talk about? What would they want from me before they stop calling me/us a "homophobe" or accusing me/us of intolerance? What rights or privilages do heterosexuals have that homosexuals don't? We all get to work, pay taxes, ride on the bus and vote. I haven't heard of anybody being denied entry into a store or access to public services because of sexual orientation. ok, I guess here in the US we have the military policy that seems to be a problem for some.
What else do they want? The "tax/inheritence benefits" of married people? Our tax code is so messed up that it would take a lot more than that to fix it. The group that is screwed the most by our tax code is successful people.
The last few pages of this thread shows that the big complaint of one poster seemed to be that they can't be ministers in some churches even though she is an athiest and doesn't want to go to church. That's a bit odd isn't it? That she is upset that I don't want her for a minister when she doesn't even believe in God?
She didn't even bring up the "tax/inheritence benefits" thing so apparently her complain isn't economic. What is it? Do they demand that I call it marriage? Sorry, they aren't going to get that no matter how much you make fun of my religion.