Creation vs. Evolution

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You clearly do not know the definition of discrimination.

I do but I think that maybe I'm not familiar with your definition. Maybe you should bring me up to speed on how you define it so we're on the same page.
If I was to belive what I was taught about, and read in the Bible.......I'd have to believe that all evil entered humanity through women.

Sorry....don't buy it.

It's interesting though that sexism in religion has been so prevalent. (Not just in Christianity)
So to defend your religion against my comment that it discriminates against homosexuals, you have described to me how they shouldn't have voting rights, how it is ok for Christians to vote in the secular world against homosexual marriage and how homosexuals should not be allowed to adopt.


I think you need to seperate church from government.

You can start a church or club and do things any way you want.

Speaking in general terms and based on how things are done in the US...
Within government, all members (citizens) get to vote. The limits placed on what can or can not come up for a vote is determined by the constitution.

Voting rights are extended to citizens regardless of sexual orientation or religion.
Dictionary definition of discrimination: treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.

Or to simplify and put into the context of our discussion Mike, treating someone different because they are homosexual. Within the Church, it has been a negative treatment for the reasons both you and I have raised.

Kim, yes many religions have discriminated against women too. Don't see many female Catholic priests :) It is interesting, I agree, and am still at a loss why sexism is so prevalent in society. It has been put down to physical difference before (i.e. women are in general physically weaker and therefore easier to force into submission) but these days we don't really require physical strength in our day to day activities, but sexism is still very prevalent. I guess having a book that says that women were cause of humankind's downfall through the Garden of Eden doesn't help the situation.
You can start a church or club and do things any way you want.

Hardly. The KKK and Al-Qaeda can be considered 'clubs' that discriminate against others. Do you think those kinds of clubs are acceptable? I don't think they are allowed legally in the US (correct me if I am wrong). So why should churches be allowed to form given that they discriminate against homosexuals?

Edit: Before you comment, I agree that these kinds of organisations are usually banned due to violent behaviour and general nonacceptance by the community, but they just take their discrimination that extra step. There have been murders of abortionists, gay people and others that disagree with Christianity. Those kinds of violent behaviours start because it is encouraged to discriminate in non-violent ways in the beginning. Some people just take it that extra step and that is why I find any kind of discrimination against people for reasons they cannot help, unacceptable and potentially dangerous. You already see gay teenagers killing themselves because it is encouraged by certain sections of society that they are evil and sinful for something they cannot help.
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If I was to belive what I was taught about, and read in the Bible.......I'd have to believe that all evil entered humanity through women.

Sorry....don't buy it.

There's more to it. Adam had a choice. Rather than do as he knew he should he followed the womans lead. Then he tried to blame the woman. Now note God's response.
It's interesting though that sexism in religion has been so prevalent. (Not just in Christianity)

I don't know that I'd call it sexism but it is interesting.
I don't know that I'd call it sexism but it is interesting.

What would you call it then?

Edit: actually forget it. Tired of arguing with someone who a. discriminates against homosexuals b. can't accept that sexism is prevalent in religion c. is unlikely to ever accept the fact that Christianity (or <insert any religion here>) has been responsible for terrible evils and problems in the world despite huge amounts of evidence...
Hardly. The KKK and Al-Qaeda can be considered 'clubs' that discriminate against others. Do you think those kinds of clubs are acceptable? I don't think they are allowed legally in the US (correct me if I am wrong). So why should churches be allowed to form given that they discriminate against homosexuals?

Al-queda is different because I think it has "enemy of the state status" or something.

The KKK, on the other hand, does still exist and is completely legal so you're wrong.

The right to speak and worship as one pleases was a really big deal with the founders of this nation!
What would you call it then?

Edit: actually forget it. Tired of arguing with someone who a. discriminates against homosexuals b. can't accept that sexism is prevalent in religion c. is unlikely to ever accept the fact that Christianity (or <insert any religion here>) has been responsible for terrible evils and problems in the world despite huge amounts of evidence...

Religion isn't the root of all those evils but rather the persuit of money, land and power...whther or not those who partake are acting under some religios flag. People do, and have done, terrible things and they continue to do them.

BTW, I don't discriminate against homosexuals even though I would not attend a church that taught that it wasn't a sin or had one as a minister. All in keeping with my right to worship as a choose. Why do you want to take away my rights? Isn't that discrimination?

I do accept that men and women have differing roles in some venues. I'm not so quick to use the term "sexism" because men and women are different...not in all ways but, certainly and undeniably, in some.
Dictionary definition of discrimination: treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.

Or to simplify and put into the context of our discussion Mike, treating someone different because they are homosexual. Within the Church, it has been a negative treatment for the reasons both you and I have raised.

The only thing that sets homosexuals apart in a Christian church or a Biblical context is their insistance on sinning and that they apparently want to force others to believe the their sin is somhow ok because they happen to like it.

Now comes those crying "discrimination" wanting to change the Bible and dictate how I worship. Or worse, dictate how I speak up and vote. It doesn't work that way.
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