You should consider that Opal and Gabi have thousands of dives under their belts, I'd speculate that Opal has done lots of deep dives on air, probably easily in the 200-250 range and possibly closer to 300. This was a routine dive in their minds and when it's routine you don't necessarily be on guard and keep focused. It would explain how Opal easily was out of reach -- they were not focused on a lot of safety issues, Gabi probably is of the belief that Opal can take well care of herself diving so he was just along for the ride and letting her do her thing as he loosely stayed in the vincinity. I think the one thing you should consider is attention was lax on this dive as opposed to being focused and worried about safety issues.
At some point most likely Gabi reached his planned max depth and I'd speculate he was above Opal most of the time during the descent, as he approached his max depth he was probably watching Opal keep going, figuring she would stop and at any time now and level out, eventually it had to finally become obvious that she wasn't stopping, and at some point Gabi made the decision to go after her to probably just say "hey, what are you doing", I'd speculate he eventually caught up with her as she kept descending with him and it took a few moments to figure out that she was out of it and make the decision to physically stop her descent, by the time this all happened they were at 400 ft.
I'd just have to believe the entire dive was very casual up to the point Gabi noticed Opal was still going deeper, very little planning before hand other than a target depth and bottom time and not much more.