Wow, Im shocked. Please seriously consider your comments for the safety of others who may be influenced by them.
Do the math. There isnt a plan that is justifiable for 200 or 300 on air on single tanks. There is nothing routine about it. The 'plan' was flawed from the start. Being on guard and focused is not possible at sub 200 on air!
This is similar to suggesting that someone with thousands of dives and no cave training can do a few 'routine' dives in Eagles Nest and the only reason they died was because they lost focus.
Chris - reading comprehension issues? Must we play these games? Seriously now I'm endagering others? Perhaps you failed to read:
This was a routine dive in their minds
WTF do you think the reality actually was? They were on tri-mix, had planned this dive for a year, had deco bottles strung, had rescue divers on the dive with them and it's all been covered up? It's pretty clear that 3 people went deep on air with single tanks, no sh*t the plan was flawed. Speculating on what they might have been thinking is dangerous? Please refrain from dumbing down the thread anymore than its already become by issuing warnings about the danger of influencing others with comments here.

All speculation and no basis.
Fact - Poorly thought out dive
Fact - Poor logistics for the dive
Fact - Poor planning for the dive
Fact - Poor execution of the poor plan
Fact - 2 people will never be the same again (don't know the third's current condition)
Fact - All of the above is a result of their own actions
No Sh*t???
You think that's why I said more than once -
... I'd speculate ...... I'd speculate ...
This entire thread of a million replies is all speculation.
I think the two of you would argue for months whether a picture is worth a thousand words or only nine hundred and ninety nine.