You're actually missing the point. Nobody is condoning anything. But I can almost guarantee you that had Opal not have slipped from 300 to 400 feet, if you give back the air burned by both Opal and especially Gabi in his efforts to reach her, and had they both started back from 300 ft, this accident might never have even happened. Being at 300 ft is of course just less worse, it's obviously better for nobody to have ever splashed off that boat that day, but the facts are probably true that had Opal been close to her buddy that 300-400ft mad dash to save her might never had been required, there would have been a lot more air and time to ascend properly, do a deco obligation even.
We can speculate that had this or that not happened, they'd have surfaced OK. But diving like this only works if nothing goes wrong ... and making that assumption violates one of the most basic tenets of dive planning. Things DO go wrong ... and what gets you back to the surface is your ability to have planned and prepared for dealing with that failure. This type of dive ... whether to 200 feet, 300 feet, or 400 feet ... cuts your margins for dealing with error too thin. Experience and expertise will only get you so far ... eventually you will still have to answer to the demands and limitations of your body.
Expanding the discussion based on real facts may serve some purpose, but it goes home to that.
Here's the only two facts that matter, to my concern ...
1. Gabi may eventually recover ... but if he does, it will probably take years, and almost certainly mean he forever loses the ability to dive again. He has to live every day with the knowledge that he has lost the ability not just to do something he loves, but to care for and support the people he loves.
2. Opal may not live ... and given her condition, living may turn out to be worse than the alternative. A young, vibrant woman has permanently lost her ability to live out her life with any semblance of normalcy.
That's too high a price to pay ... WAY too high ... for a "personal best" depth dive. I'm having a hard time imagining a worse outcome.
People do dives like this all the time. They find endless ways to rationalize why they're OK. Well, if anyone reading this thread is thinking that way, ask yourself this ... what makes you think that what happened to Opal and Gabi can't happen to you? What would you do if it did?
Is the risk of spending the rest of your life like that worth it?
If you want to dive deep, then invest in training and equipment to give yourself a reasonable chance of making the dive successfully. Because it's not just you that's affected if you have an accident ... it's everybody who loves you. In Gabi and Opal's case, that appears to be a lot of people ...
... Bob (Grateful Diver)