pro·fes·sion·alI have to question the use of the term "professionals" to describe someone doing some thing this foolhardy. Even the captain did not know the plan of the divers he was carrying. Might not be a big deal on a site with no current and a hard bottom at 60 or even 100feet. These so-called professionals put the other people on the boat at risk, the captain, and the emergency responders. A proper dive plan would have taken these things into consideration and at the very least the captain and crew would have had some idea of what was could possibly happen and prepared for it. Instead they ignored all safe diving practices and even common courtesy. A card does not make someone a professional. Nor is it only when they are on the job. It is in every aspect of their life. PADI puts heavy emphasis on role model behavior as does every agency for its professional members. This was not an example of that.

adjective 1. following an occupation as a means of livelihood or for gain: a professional builder.