forward: i hope the web administrator will allow this thread to start fresh as i feel the facts of the situation are getting lost in the 50+ pages of the original. the info below was gathered personally by me from the 2 DMs on board, the captain, and permission from all plus the dive op's brother who is running the show during her sister's absence while she is still in florida undergoing treatment. it is complicated. some of this info is repeated in the orig thread, some info is new as of today during my chat with the captain. i will try to bullet point it to be clearer.
- this was a dive trip, 1 tank, for people from the dive shop. there were no paying clients on board. trip consisted of the owner, 3 of her DMs, and 2 shop friends going on a pleasure dive.
- the trip was to villa blanca. the captain knew that 2 DMs and one of the shop's friends were going to hunt for lionfish and lobster, for food for their clients for the next day. the owner, her friend and the other DM were to do a regular dive in villa blanca. the reef is outside of the national park limits. the dive was at a rare hour, therefore boat traffic was nil. on top of that, we are in low season and there are very few divers in the water this time of year.
- the captain was never told the depth of the plan for the 3 who had the accident. the others did a plan of around 140-160 max for a short period of time, with most of the dive hovering closer to the top of the wall hunting, being 80 to 100ft. capt found out about the depth of the victims when they got to the chamber. the captain is a 20yr veteran of dive boats in cozumel. he knows what to do and understands enough about dive accidents to do the right thing.
- the boat had 2 extra tanks on board (common practice for low tanks/o-rings,etc).
- all divers went in and separated into 2 groups.
- villa blanca is just out in front of the shop. it is also close to the new car ferry pier. currents in the reef can be wicked, calm, changing direcion, all of the above. the time of the end of the dive corresponded to the car ferry coming into port.
- group 2 (lobster/lion fish hunters) did a safe dive with no incidents and all safety stops.
- group 1, as later found out, was trying to break their own deep dive record. we all know this is the mistake that caused it all. no need to touch on this topic (IMHO). the owner had 100 tank, ther other two 80s. had the captain known of the planned depth, he would have asked about ponys, etc.
- they were at 320ft, gabi the DM was banging his tank when he saw opal (the owner) going deeper and not responding to him. he went for her in a brave rescue, saw that she had 900psi, she said she was ok (obviously narced), he grabbed her and brought her up to the other diver at 320ft. they ascended together, under gabi's control and gabi and opal ran out of air around 200ft. gabi just knew they would die. however, he stayed in control, holding onto both of them, and all three buddy breathed on the other diver's tank to the surface, when they ran out of air. gabi claims that all three were blowing out their bubbles hence no lung expansion injuries.
- upon ascent, the boat was close and they called for getting the O2 ready. captain did just that, helped them with the gear and they laid down, opal being in the worst shape. she got the O2 and was in extreme pain, as were the others. captain was immediately on the phone with the local chamber calling for the ambulance to pick them up in front of the meridiano, the closest pier from their spot.
- then, panic set in full force. capt could not leave the scene for the other 3 divers still below. the car ferry was approaching close enough for him to be worried for them getting propped if he let them float too long. opal demanded that her gear was set up so she could go back in. capt knew it was best for her to stay on O2, but she was frantic. he felt torn but set up the tank. his boss was ORDERING him to set up her gear. if he didn't, he knew she would. faster than he could even believe, she was back in.
- gabi and the other diver saw her down there and had to make sure she was ok. so they got the other tank and breathed on it together at 30ft (2nd stage and octopus).
- they were at 30ft for 10 or so minutes, perhaps less, in total. during this time, the other divers came up. captain went to get them, told the other DMs what happened, they hurried to them and the other DM wanted to get on his tank and get back down to see if they were ok. the captain ordered him to stay on board and wait for them to surface.
- opal, gabi and the other diver surfaced, they went straight to the pier and as they arrived, so did the ambulance. there was ZERO time wasted from the call to the arrival of the ambulance and them being placed en route to the chamber.
as mentioned, i am in 100% agreement that the captain was placed in a position he should NEVER have been in but with all said, made the best choice.. the IWR was a result of panic and crazy circumstances. just a horrific day. DAN docs are amazed that gabi is alive, that he was able to function for a full on rescue at that depth, and that he is 100% in the head and looks like he will have a full recovery with time and therapy. they are watching him closely.