Cozumel in August

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I wonder how well they'd pay on a liveaboard? I had one ruined once when I forgot to get a flu shot, got the flu, got over it, then relapsed. I can only hope I didn't expose everyone onboard. There were no medical facilities on any of the islands we visited, nor many options for getting off, and I wasn't going to request medevac for that. I had another liveaboard ruined by a north front that was still pretty mean when it got to the Exumas, leaving us hiding in port.

I checked their site for $100,000 Medical Limit, $100 deductible and the rate at my age was $81.92 with six month preexisting limit. I got same limits plus comprehensive trip insurance from for $83. I never was impressed by Blue Cross; still not.

I've thought about looking for medical only coverage from a company I hope I could trust, but there's not enough money involved for me to look hard.

At that cost, you're better off just getting a full travel insurance coverage policy that also includes medical.

As for the payout for a liveaboard, here's the fine print below. Not enough for medical reasons or weather in this case, but better than nothing especially if it's built into the policy already and probably not much more or same as other travel policies.

Weather for non-liveaboard:

10.1. Deluxe Passport: 10.1.1. Medical inability to dive as certified by medical evidence and has been diagnosed after departure from origin or during the period of a covered trip in the case of an annual policy. $100/diving day; $500 in all. 10.1.2. Diving days lost as a result of weather conditions as supported by marine and weather forecast (required) not enabling diving/sailing per captain's discretion (Excluding limited visibility conditions). Coverage: 50% of Dive Boat trip cost divided by number of diving days with a maximum of $150/diving day and total of $450. 10.2. Elite Passport: 10.2.1. Due to medical inability to dive - up to $250/diving day max. $1,000. 10.2.2. Diving days lost as a result of weather conditions as supported by marine and weather forecast (required) not enabling diving/sailing per captain's discretion (Excluding limited visibility conditions). Coverage: 50% of Dive Boat trip cost divided by number of diving days with a maximum of $200/diving day and total of $1,000 10.3. Exclusions: Any If within the previous 8 hours the use of alcohol and/or any type of illicit, nonprescribed drugs will invalidate any and all claims under this section.

Weather for liveaboard:

1. Missed connection resulting in missing the liveaboard or in additional cost to join it. Coverage: up to 90% of trip cost or the maximum specified by the declared trip value 2. Missed Liveaboard departure due to airline delays and subject to terms and conditions outlined in the policy for validity of claim. 3. Lost diving days due to the following reasons: 3.1. Medical inability to dive. 3.2. Weather conditions not enabling diving/sailing as supported by marine and weather forecast (required) not enabling diving/sailing per captain's discretion. per captain's discretion (Excluding limited visibility conditions) . Coverage: 100% of liveaboard trip cost divided by number of unavailable diving days not to exceed $250 p/diving day with a maximum coverage of $1,500. 3.3. Diving accident to other passenger on boat causing the boat to abort planned diving. 3.4. Expenses not reimbursed by the tour operator for Mechanical breakdown to liveaboard boat causing evacuation of passengers and/or aborting trip. 3.5. Expenses not reimbursed by the tour operator for default /mechanical breakdown to air supply on board liveaboard boat during your dive trip. 4. Mechanical Failure of the “Liveaboard Vessel”: Whereas coverage is conditional upon the total and complete failure of the scheduled vessel resulting in cancellation prior to departure from the point of origin or curtailment of the trip once underway. You would be eligible for the economy non-refundable airfare to reach the destination and return home in the event the failure occurred after initial departure. Any fees or expenses associated with Your attempting to re-schedule with another vessel are not eligible for any further compensation. 5. Financial Default of the liveaboard operating company, or tour operator provided the Financial Default occurs more than 14 days following Your effective date for the Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption Benefits. There is no coverage for the Financial Default of any person, organization, agency, or firm from whom You purchased travel arrangements supplied by others. This coverage applies only if insurance was purchased within 15 calendar days of Initial Trip Payment (Covered already by the Elite Plan). 6. Validity: Liveaboard rider may only be purchased if You have entered a contract with a liveaboard accommodation that is greater than 24 hours in duration and is not considered a day trip. Day trip is defined as any period less than 24 hours regardless of accommodation.
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an old favorite line......

"They say it's not the heat, it's the humidity. Turns's the heat !"
David Letterman :D

Anyway, pretty much anytime other than mid winter, the heat/humidity is going to be oppressive and sticky, for anyone acclimated to northern climates. But,I always noticed, particularly during August/early September, that it was the sun itself that was so blazing hot, more than the surrounding atmosphere, enough that I would usually try to walk on the shaded side of the street to avoid it. (I mean, it was almost like it was this giant ball of fire in the sky, or something !!)
But, this also made it the most comfortable time of year to be in the water, it was almost like stepping into a warm bath. I always hated working in the winter, but I absolutely loved diving in the warm water and board-flat seas of summer, where I never even bothered putting on a t-shirt after the dives.
The summer storms could sometimes be kinda scary, like when we were leaving the pier in town in blazing blue skies, but heading south towards a wall of black clouds on the horizon, with nasty lighting. But, these conditions never stopped the diving or closed the ports, which is the big risk and PITA of being there in the winter.
I would much prefer to be down there during the heat of summer versus the dead of winter.
JMHO !!!
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I think it's fine if you are near the ocean and/or have a pool to cool off when you aren't diving. I've stayed back in town at that time of year and it can be pretty stifling.
Just hop in the water and cool off as needed. Pool, sea... Be prepared to get wet or seek cover, It's the tropics.
Rain will happen, It's the tropics. I don't remember downpours lasting more than 20, maybe 40 minutes most at a crack, many dumps less time. Oh, it can rain very hard though! Did I mention its the tropics? Nice to have dive parka's on the boat to keep the spray and wind off the skin though.
You could also dive four dives a day with steel tanks then get really chilled after about six hours + or so underwater. I like a siesta with a blanket after two dives (core temps) after lunch (if you do four dives). On the forth dive (night) I've been known to shiver a bit wearing a 1mm full and even after donning a Lavacore shirt . I also know this really great friend that has been known to keep Hot Chocolate... Real dark Chocolate, with a touch of rum, in a Thermos for the boat ride back. Absolutely, unbelievably, Heavenly!!! Quick rinse in the shower, taxi over to the hood for a Carnitas Pizza at 11 pm (left overs for breakfast). Repeat the next day. Oh the memories... I can't wait to go back.
I have been to Cozumel the months of February, March, April, June, July, August, September, October, November and early December. Caught a rough day once in March a long time ago. They a have all been great. !!!
.....Rain will happen, It's the tropics. I don't remember downpours lasting more than 20, maybe 40 minutes most at a crack, many dumps less time.....
Yep, it's true the tropical downpours are typically brief, and then it goes right back to blazing blue skies (lather,rinse,repeat).
But, summer is also the time of year that a low pressure can settle in over the region, steadily pulling moisture from the Pacific, and dumping it on the entire Yucatan penisula, for two friggin' weeks !! I've been through quite a few of these, where it only stops raining so it can drizzle for a couple hours, and after a week or two without ever seeing sunshine and parts of many of the streets almost staying ankle deep in water, folks would be walking around feeling like Seattle suicide canidates, LOL !! :D

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