Here is a troubling update. There are around 100 known Covid deaths on Cozumel so far. There are cases all over the island. Most are not being diagnosed or tested. The clinics that many people are going to are giving them antibiotics and telling them it is something other than covid. The doctors at the hospital are upset about this.
It gets worse.
Yesterday the guy that sells us smoothies was in Playa when they transported his father to Cancun for emergency covid treatment. This seldom or never ends well. His sister and brother in law are also very sick. He was sick two weeks ago but the clinic told him it was something else and sent him home. He refused to go to the hospital and get tested even though we put him in contact with a doctor at the hospital. He may or may not have had Covid. He was very sick but is convinced it was something else.
I have just learned of a dive master that has been exposed by cohabitation to two people that have just been diagnosed with Covid19. He doesn't have symptoms so far and is working with divers daily. Divers are not wearing masks on the boats. They are not keeping a safe distance or disinfecting surfaces and equipment. This is not an isolated case y'all. I can't tell you everything I have learned but I have told you enough.
If you are going to Cozumel to go diving and are choosing to ignore the global pandemic then you are putting the island at risk and the island is putting you and your family at risk. People should not be playing fast and loose with this disease but they are and the people on the island are paying the price. If you are worried about their income then do as I am doing. Send them your dive money and stay home. These are not normal times and we can't pretend that they are. It will get people killed and many of those that don't die will be forever compromised. Lung damage is bad news for divers. Live to dive another day.