Yeah, if I bail on this trip, I'll table this destination for the foreseeable future. I'm still iffy tho.
True and irrelevant, both. I'll shower a few times a week even in isolation whether I expose myself further or not.
Yeah, I got that email today too along with another from American, then another from American quoting $51 RT fares from DFW to LAX and other hotspots I think would be foolish to visit. Amazingly cheap, but no thanks. I'm becoming more convinced in the airlines doing their part but even less confident that being there in the population doing less. It's all about the odds I know, but I don't want to end up in a Mexican hospital when I can prevent it. I'll watch the show for 10 more days before I decide.
Dear Dandy Don,
Aside from clean air on aircraft try this trick, sit in a window seat far from the sickies walking down the isle and have the overhead vent blowing down on you at full flow—pushing any covid droplets away from you. and at all costs avoid the aisle seat.
dave dillehay