I am tending to fall into your camp these days and wait for a vaccine. I can occupy myself with other domestic travel that doesn't involve getting on a plane or leaving the country. As much as my wife and I want to dive Coz again, it really comes down to risk vs. reward. We are in our early 50's and even taking all precautions is the risk worth the reward? If one of us gets sick it's pretty certain we will both be sick and then we'd find out if we are asymptomatic, just get the sniffles, die from it, or end up with some form of lung damage that eliminates our ability to dive for the rest of our lives. We have lots of diving planned for our golden years.
I've said it numerous times, "Live now or survive later". However, in our 50's and the Lord willing we have plenty of years left in us that we can enjoy instead of just surviving. We catch this bug and it hurts me or her we end up having to survive a lot of years that we could have enjoyed had we been patient and foregone gratification today for the ability to enjoy future travels.
It is a very tough call for those who aren't "COVIDIOTS". Each of us has to make that call for themselves... Does the reward outweigh the risk?