Cozumel COVID-19 updates

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From the 29-June noon update:
                             Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases           3,437  ->  3,538
     Social Isolation             828  ->    889
     Hospitalized                 188  ->    193
     Recovered                  1,859  ->  1,892
     Deaths                       562  ->    564
Q Roo Tests pending               426  ->    405

     Confirmed Cases               87  ->     92
     Recovered                     47  ->     47
     Deaths                        17  ->     17
     % Hospital rooms in use       26%  ->    30%
Data from
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.

101 new confirmed cases today, which is starting to reflect the jump in the number of recent tests.

Tomorrow's update will be the last daily update. I will try to post periodically items of interest, such as changes in semaphore status and announcements from the mayor.
Did you know that Southwest does not assign seats? If they are allowed to board early, they can grab a row, fine. If they board in the last group, then they'll probably ask others to move. And as stressful as flying is these days, I can imagine friction possibly leading to a why-not outburst.

Well, I've been living in the USA for the past 30 years (and even longer...) so... yes, I know that Southwest does not assign seats. Southwest also does not provide inflight entertainment, although watching people that have never flown SW try to figure out the boarding process is usually pretty entertaining in itself.

I'm struggling to imagine how, if SW says the middle seats will remain empty, you could possibly be forced to take a middle seat on a plane because two people are already sitting together in a row. You're suggesting that there could possibly exist a scenario on a SW flight in which every window and aisle seat are taken... so you would be forced to take a middle seat. But this contradicts SW's assertion that middle seats will be unoccupied.

I think you worry too much, Dan. My point was simply that if a couple wants to sit together, they can take a window and aisle seat of the same row. They're not taking YOUR seat... they would take their seats. They would buckle their seat belts during take off. And after the flight reaches cruising altitude, they could lift up the armrests in their row and slide closer together, if they so wished. It would be an optional use of that empty seat between them.

And it wouldn't affect your seating at all.

EDIT: I think I just figured out where you're coming from, Don. A hypothetical situation:

A couple really wants to sit together.

But at least one seat on a SW flight (either window or aisle) is already claimed in every row.

So couple is upset and wants a resolution, but unless someone gives up their seat to give the couple their own row, it won't happen.

Fair enough. But I've flown SW a lot and I get the impression that most SW flyers understand SW's quirky seating rules. I've also seen that, in general, SW flyers are a cooperative bunch. I once gave up my seat on SW so a parent could sit with their child (I left my son in the row with them.) Sat next to a couple strangers, who offered to buy me a drink.

Southwest will be just fine.
I think I just figured out where you're coming from, Don. A hypothetical situation:

A couple really wants to sit together.

But at least one seat on a SW flight (either window or aisle) is already claimed in every row.

So couple is upset and wants a resolution, but unless someone gives up their seat to give the couple their own row, it won't happen.

Fair enough. But I've flown SW a lot and I get the impression that most SW flyers understand SW's quirky seating rules. I've also seen that, in general, SW flyers are a cooperative bunch. I once gave up my seat on SW so a parent could sit with their child (I left my son in the row with them.) Sat next to a couple strangers, who offered to buy me a drink.

Southwest will be just fine.

But of course that can and does happen even when there is no pandemic and the plane is full. A couple coming aboard late in the boarding process finds that there are no two adjacent seats left on the plane. Either they endure sitting apart for the duration of the flight or they persuade other passengers to switch seats to accommodate them. It's part of the deal you make with SWA to pay less for a ticket.
As it turns out I decided not to risk it. It's just too many people in a closed space for my comfort level during our lovely summer spike of cases.

This is so wise. We are in a grasshopper & ant phase. The people most likely the get the virus by not taking precautions are the grasshoppers. My suspicion is the planes, headed towards vacation sites, are filled with grasshoppers. The ants will not change the mind of the grasshoppers, but they most definitely can stay away from where the grasshoppers congregate.

The grasshoppers can laugh all they want; until it starts snowing.
The grasshoppers can laugh all they want; until it starts snowing.

Wait, I thought ants hated snow as well! And truth be told, I hate ants. I wouldn't want to be on a plane with ants any more than I would with grasshoppers.:)
This is so wise. We are in a grasshopper & ant phase. The people most likely the get the virus by not taking precautions are the grasshoppers. My suspicion is the planes, headed towards vacation sites, are filled with grasshoppers. The ants will not change the mind of the grasshoppers, but they most definitely can stay away from where the grasshoppers congregate.

The grasshoppers can laugh all they want; until it starts snowing.

Very wise and matches my sense of different peoples' attitudes.
WetinPortland. SESA decided to throw you a curveball on your final day and delayed posting a little over an hour due to server maintenance? Aka adjusting the numbers to what they want them to be :-)

Thanks again for posting this data for the past few months. I would try to pick up the baton but I usually just post from phone (turn on my laptop once a week ). Phone not ideal for posting data. I may highlight the occasional government post in this thread if you haven’t already. All of your efforts are much appreciated
From the 30-June noon update:
                             Previous  ->  Today
Q Roo Confirmed Cases           3,538  ->  3,619
     Social Isolation             889  ->  not reported - see comments
     Hospitalized                 193  ->  not reported - see comments
     Recovered                  1,892  ->  1,914
     Deaths                       564  ->    577
Q Roo Tests pending               405  ->    530

     Confirmed Cases               92  ->     95
     Recovered                     47  ->     47
     Deaths                        17  ->     17
     % Hospital rooms in use       30%  ->    32%
Data from
See post #147 for more information about how these numbers are generated and why they may seem low or the the percentages unusual.

Another big jump in state-wide cases pending, adding 125 today. Remember that generally only people showing symptoms are tested, which is why the positivity rate is 57.7%.

The official report has added an "active cases" tally, but the numbers don't seem to add up. For Cozumel, 95 cases, 47 recovered, and 17 deaths would leave 31 cases active (95 - 47 - 17 = 31). However, the active case count is listed as 20. The state-wide number is off by a much wider margin - about 450. The report has also removed the state-wide reporting of those hospitalized and in social isolation.

This is my last daily update. I will try to periodically post items of interest, such as changes in semaphore status and announcements from the mayor. For those wishing to keep up with COVID-19 in Quintana Roo, I would recommend following the SESA Twitter feed at:
We are in a grasshopper & ant phase.
An interesting analogy. Not a direct fit, but similar.
Wait, I thought ants hated snow as well!
The fable has been adapted into several versions, all showing the ant preparing for winter and the grasshopper (originally a cicada) fiddling summer away, but different endings and a variety of moral translations. A painting by Jules-Joseph Lefebvre, The Grasshopper, National Gallery of Victoria, Australia is interesting, but cannot be shown here or most non-museum public settings. In reality, the ant would have taken the grasshopper apart on a nice day after he died in a cold break and fed it to the colony.

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