Gee. What are we going to talk about when the virus is gone?
the virus...probably...lamentably...
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Gee. What are we going to talk about when the virus is gone?
Restaurants, of course!Gee. What are we going to talk about when the virus is gone?
It's part of the deal you make with SWA to pay less for a ticket.
6/27 -> 7/4 % Chg
----- ----- -----
Q Roo Confirmed Cases 3,398 -> 4,169 22.7%
Social Isolation 819 -> 1,249 52.5%
Hospitalized 185 -> 256 38.4%
Recovered 1,838 -> 2,049 11.5%
Deaths 556 -> 616 10.8%
Q Roo Tests pending 426 -> 516 21.1%
Confirmed Cases 87 -> 95 9.2%
Recovered 47 -> 47 ---
Deaths 17 -> 17 ---
% Hospital rooms in use 28% -> 43% 53.6%
Increasing case velocity
QRoo South 1.0 -> 1.7 70.0%
QRoo North 4.6 -> 4.9 6.5%
Semaphore status:
6/29-7/5 7/6-7/12
QRoo South Orange -> Orange
QRoo North Orange -> Orange
You are angry; I get that. I am angry as well. Not the least of my losses due to the novel coronavirus was what would have been my 34th annual trip to Cozumel with my wife, my sister and her husband, my daughter, and my now 92 year old mom. I could write out the entire laundry list of what the virus has cost me and the people close to me, but so many others have it so much worse than I do.ggunn... Of course things are going to get worse until a vaccine is developed and available on a monumental scale. Until then, what should the US, Mexican & global population as a whole do? Quarantine for months on end with no means of supporting themselves and end up homeless? How fast do you think COVID (and many other diseases) would spread among the massive homeless communities that would form globally if people are PROHIBITED from working? Should countries with the ability to do so keep printing $, racking up debt, and handing that cash out until their currencies are worthless?
Those who keep preaching quarantine and shut down obviously have paychecks that keep coming in or are retired and no longer contribute to society but consume benefits. Whatever their situation is, they have no right to judge and preach to others about why they shouldn't go back to work and living their lives while taking the best precautionary measures they can.
There are several vaccines in large scale human evaluation right now, and that is a good thing, but we still don't know for sure that a vaccine is possible, and if it is, how effective it will be. Smallpox vaccine is very effective, but influenza vaccine, not so much. It may not be the panacea that so many are counting on.
What evidence of effectiveness are you referring to? All I have seen has ranged from "maybe a little" to "not at all". Cases where they just gave it to some people to see what would happen without the controls to eliminate randomness and false positives don't really count, and I don't see where it would be to anyone's advantage to give up on a therapy that showed promise.On a related note, the World Health Organization has curiously just halted the hydroxychloroquine trials, despite considerable evidence that this inexpensive drug has been effective.Make of that what you will.
If you are talking about the people I see refusing to take measures to help stop or slow the spread of the disease ("I woke up this morning in a free country; I don't have to wear a mask", "masks are KILLING people", etc.) then yes, I agree with you.Just going by numerous news reports I've seen in recent months, I can't cite anything very specific. I just did a quick search, and predictably, got as many hits citing it's ineffectiveness, as I did hits citing it's effectiveness, like this one.....
".....The study, led by a research team from Henry Ford Health System in southeast Michigan, U.S., was published in the International Journal of Infectious Diseases on July 1.
They looked at 2,541 hospitalized COVID-19 patients between March 10 and May 2 and found that those who took hydroxychloroquine had a "significantly" lower mortality rate......"
But, that was just a side observation, the bulk of my post focused on other concerning elements of this issue, many of which a surprising number of people seem hell-bent on dismissing, in favor of whatever "official" narrative is currently coming out of the television.