The only buildings I enter are my post office (for my POB as we don't have home delivery here) and a few grocery stores - as many as it takes to fill the weekly order for my brother's home, usually three once a week, and I always wear a mask and obey the one-way aisles even tho violaters are common. I probably piss the wrong way shoppers off when I ask "Am I going the wrong way?" They have recently discounted surfaces as sources, but I use doggy poop bags to open doors then trash them, and I often use hand sterilizer.
I'm high enough risk myself, but my brother, sister-in-law, and her mom who is currently staying with them are all much more at risk. I remind them that I am available anytime they need something. If they get cabin fever, they can load up and drive around looking at farms, but that's it. She's pretty good only using the drive-thru at the drug store and even asking postal employees to come outside to pick up outgoing priority mail, and in this little farm town they will. I just had a stern discussion with my brother after he tried to find three-way light bulbs at our convenience store, (1) because I knew they wouldn't carry them, and (2) I'd rather he send me at 10 o'clock at night than he go. I now have my order in at Walmart for pickup Tuesday, unless he decides he needs it sooner.
The majority here in this little town are not bothering with masks or gloves, and that bothers me even with our low numbers so far. I'm a little worried about my asthmatic daughter who worked at school two days on book & iPad returns this week, is sick now, but won't call a doctor to discuss symptoms as she doesn't want to give the school a bad name! We're still discussing that. All I can do it my part and encourage others. I am afraid of a rebound explosion tho.