It's hard to tell what's really going on other than in generals. I haven't been out much but the little I see is the mask wearing is OK, it sucked back in June but today, when out back here in town, virtually everyone is wearing masks. I've heard stories about no masks being worn by guests at resorts though.
I'm not sure how the state is getting their acceleration numbers, they seem really low. Using their numbers, you can calculate a "R" number, the number of new cases compared to recovered cases - for the last two weeks, that seven day average is right around 1 - so one recovers, one gets sick. Two weeks ago, there was large amounts of cases clearing out so that number was somewhat artificially low but just looking in general, it's about 1.0.
In the last three weeks, Cancun gets 500 new cases but goes from 650 active cases to 170 active ones - maybe that's the acceleration number. Playa had similar huge changes, Cozumel had somewhat like that, not as big though.
Chetumal (Othon) is still the problem area, they haven't yet gone thru the massive case decrease, I'd guess that'll happen in the next few weeks.
If Chetumal's numbers get corrected, the entire state would be back to where we were at before we reopened in June - the northern part of the state is already there - I really think that is saying a lot - while being opened at 60%, we are the same with active cases as we were when closed, Cancun's actually a bunch better.
I think it's safe here, act responsible is all.