Opinions, please, on diving equipment and covid. I am a vacation diver who does most of my diving in Cozumel. I have always rented equipment due to convenience. Without carrying dive equipment (except mask, fins and wetsuit) I need not check a bag. I am now considering purchasing dive equipment to avoid using a rental equipment, especially a regulator and mouthpiece that is used by many. Thoughts?
I’m a little bit more weird about it cause you can’t really get inside the regulator and clean it but a regulator set is a fair amount of money, the good ones are.
Can a sick diver use a regulator at noon, it gets cleaned and rinsed then given to another diver the next day - can you still get sick from it?? I have seen so much back and forth on it that who knows what’s right - I would ask a doctor you trust.
Valet shops seem to keep your gear together, you don’t get a new regulator every day - I would think bigger shops are doing that too but I’d ask. I would probably be willing to take that one chance but if you’re giving me a different regulator set every day, that’s to much chance