So here's a COVID/DOCTOR story for all. I had my annual physical today (after being postponed for months due to COVID) with my General Practitioner who is in his early 60's and is the head of Hampton Roads based Sentara Healthcare's satellite GP office in Virginia Beach. We went through the regular banter and my issues that bother me from time to time but he assures me it just a part of getting older. Then we got to a brief discussion of travel and such. As it turns out, he was scheduled to be on a flight to Hawaii to see a family member 2 weeks from now (My Dr. is of Philippine ancestry and while he's lived his life in the states his parents still live in the Philippines and he has other family living in the Hawaiian islands) and he mentioned that he cancelled it due to the quarantine measures Hawaii has put in place for those flying from the mainland that requires all to quarantine for 2 weeks upon arrival. I told him I had visited Hawaii earlier this year in February to visit friends and there was NO WAY I would get on a plane right now. He looked at me like I had 3 heads and said if you wear a mask, wash your hands, don't touch your face and practice 6' of social distancing when you are able that I have very little to worry about. He then asked me when the last time I visited a restaurant was and I told him back in March. He went on to say that he goes to restaurants all the time and is not concerned at all given the social distancing that is being enforced and the steps restaurant owners are taking. He then asked, "What would it take for you to return to a normal life and going out and traveling?" I responded "VACCINE!". He responded, "What if there is no reliable vaccine as even the flu vaccine is about 50% effective?". I responded that I'll wait for better treatments for those who are sick with COVID. He asked, "What if there are no better treatments... what are you going to do?". I said at that point I guess we all have our own decisions to make. I told him it took a great deal for me to even walk into his offices because this is where sick people come and he said you're safer here than about anywhere else. The bottom line is my Dr. sees people every day and I got the impression that he sees my level of paranoia to be obsessive and it is affecting how I live my life. Well, hell YES how I live my life has changed and I am obsessive about this. I told him I'll be the last American to catch this bug. However, at the same time I see his willingness to do whatever and go wherever while wearing masks and abiding by best practices as best he can equally crazy. So what did I learn from all of this today? Maybe my wife and I can strap on masks and make our annual trip back to Coz come December. I'm going to have to think about it quite a bit but if my Dr. was willing to get on a plane, shouldn't I be willing as well? Tough call for me still.