Cozumel: An Oasis in the Winter

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That sounds so cool, redhat. Looking forward to the landscape you describe. Wonder if it is really altered a lot since the storm? You said it is a bit wider now?

Pilot Fish,

On this dive, we never went deeper than 118 feet. I think this is the standard way of doing it. However, I have done it with different swimthroughs at a deeper profile of 142 ft and this was not from going deeper on the wall. There are other swimthroughs you can do and one involved going up a chimney by inhaling and popping out of the top.

I think you could turn around and change your mind while still in the big cavern before entering the far left tunnel. Once in the tunnel, you are committed and you also have to remember you are going through single file and turning around would cause a problem with the people behind you.

My favorite part of Devil's Throat is the swim across the canyon (so to speak) to the next pinnacle. It's rather like diving in a mountain range.

There are other swimthroughs I like more than DT. I once did a series of swimthoughs at Columbia with a freelance guide named Aristeo who was working for Aldora. They were breathtakingly beautiful, but I have never been able to describe them adequately to get back there again. Palancar is another spot for beautiful swimthroughs.

You can also dive Punta Sur without doing Devil's Throat and it is quite a dive for the majestic landscape. Do whatever you feel comfortable with and don't feel pressued to go through Devil's Throat if you're not comfortable with it.
pilot fish:
Great photo. How deep are you at that point? You think I'm good to go with the camera and strobe? I've been in a swim thru that I could not turn around in and didn't like it, so I'm curious, can you turn around in the DT if need be?

Thanks, Red

Most swimthroughs that I have been through around Cozumel, once you're in, you're committed to go on through. Usually there will be a diver fairly close behind you; don't try to turn around or stop. You wouldn't want to go back, anyway; it's possible you could go back up a blind alley.

Most of the swimthroughs that a DM will take you through are fairly short and straight, but not all are. There is, however, always an alternative route that doesn't involve the swimthrough; if you are not comfortable doing them, by all means make sure your DM knows this before you get in the water. At depth, he/she will point you in the direction that you need to go to meet the group on the other side.
Most swimthroughs that I have been through around Cozumel, once you're in, you're committed to go on through. Usually there will be a diver fairly close behind you; don't try to turn around or stop. You wouldn't want to go back, anyway; it's possible you could go back up a blind alley.

Most of the swimthroughs that a DM will take you through are fairly short and straight, but not all are. There is, however, always an alternative route that doesn't involve the swimthrough; if you are not comfortable doing them, by all means make sure your DM knows this before you get in the water. At depth, he/she will point you in the direction that you need to go to meet the group on the other side.

That's usually how it is with most swim throughs. I was in one in Belize where it was 70ft long and was a dog leg right so I could not see the end. Add to that, it was very low and narrow, none of this the DM told us pre dive, and you can imagine I got a bit concerned. Did I mention that several 4 ft nurse sharks swam through right under my stomach? Yes, I did protect my lower half. :) I had my camera with me and took a picture of them so I guess I was alright, but that was at 70 ft, not 118 ft. I'm sure it'l be fine. Thanks for the description.
pilot fish:
I was in one in Belize where it was 70ft long and was a dog leg right so I could not see the end. Add to that, it was very low and narrow, none of this the DM told us pre dive, and you can imagine I got a bit concerned. Did I mention that several 4 ft nurse sharks swam through right under my stomach?
Wow, that sounds like a nice one. It would be nice to know what is coming up though.

YES! It's a nice dive, but there are MUCH nicer ones. Devil's Throat is one that some like to have in their log books for bragging rights....

Ren, the cross was not removed by a diver with poor buoyancy...this was Wilma's wrath. There also used to be an exit point that went out to the right of the's now filled in with rocks, so the only way to go at the "cross" is left now.


I agree that DT is overhyped.

As for the cross, the diver thing was purely my idle speculation. However, Sandro told me that he personally saw the cross post Wilma and then when he dove it the day after that dive it was gone. His speculation was that someone took it. I can't imagine why someone would do that, let alone a dive operator letting them. Anyhow, since the information is secondhand. I can't say for sure. Sadly, in any case its gone :-(

I agree that DT is overhyped.

As for the cross, the diver thing was purely my idle speculation. However, Sandro told me that he personally saw the cross post Wilma and then when he dove it the day after that dive it was gone. His speculation was that someone took it. I can't imagine why someone would do that, let alone a dive operator letting them. Anyhow, since the information is secondhand. I can't say for sure. Sadly, in any case its gone :-(

I've heard that as well...and I love Sandro to pieces by the I don't really doubt him. I just hate to think that someone could possibly do something like that! For my my own piece of mind, I am telling myself that Wilma broke it loose, and then it eventually broke away and floated off into the azul profundo cielo (deep blue heaven). It's easier for me to deal with thinking that Mother Nature did it rather than a sinister human :)
I've heard that as well...and I love Sandro to pieces by the I don't really doubt him. I just hate to think that someone could possibly do something like that! For my my own piece of mind, I am telling myself that Wilma broke it loose, and then it eventually broke away and floated off into the azul profundo cielo (deep blue heaven). It's easier for me to deal with thinking that Mother Nature did it rather than a sinister human :)

I think I like your explanation better. So, that's our story and we're sticking to it. ;)

I agree that DT is overhyped.

As for the cross, the diver thing was purely my idle speculation. However, Sandro told me that he personally saw the cross post Wilma and then when he dove it the day after that dive it was gone. His speculation was that someone took it. I can't imagine why someone would do that, let alone a dive operator letting them. Anyhow, since the information is secondhand. I can't say for sure. Sadly, in any case its gone :-(

I don't think Devil's Throat is as hyped a dive site as the Blue Hole in Belize is. DT sounds like a cool dive.
Wow, that sounds like a nice one. It would be nice to know what is coming up though.


What is not so nice is not having an alternate air source and being unable to get air, if needed, from another diver in that long, low, narrow swim through . If somone had panicked in front of me I don't know what I would have done? Could not go back, diver behind you, panic in front of you, and no way around it. Not that crazy about overheads in narrow places. No caves for me.

I'm sure that this photo has been taken by everybody with a camera that passed by. But for those that wonder what the cross looked like, here you go.

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