pilot fish:I'm hoping to do DT when I go to Coz next month but I want to be sure to buddy with a competent diver that realizes what staying close at deep depth means. Being a lone diver means you sometimes get teamed up with someone that does not have the same definition of some basic stuff as you do. In the past I have not asked enough questions, thinking I was being rude or intrusive if I did. I'm past that now. Diver, we need to talk.
I think I will avoid Barracuda with my twin jet splits.
That sounds likea real smart thing to do as far as talking with your buddy. Sometimes it can be really hit and miss. I consider myself really lucky that my wife dives too!
Just a side note on Barracuda: Operators rarely go there unless they have a whole group of experienced divers who have dove with them for a couple of days. I mention this because I don't want to get anybody real excited about diving this reef and put some dive operator in a bad spot.