Is it possible that Devil's Throat is over-hyped a bit ?
And regarding depth coming out of the "Throat." It's a fixed point, always the same. If you descend further down the wall, of course you'll have different computer readings.
It's really too bad the coral cross is gone.
YES! It's a nice dive, but there are MUCH nicer ones. Devil's Throat is one that some like to have in their log books for bragging rights. If you are perfectly positioned in the center of the long tunnel, you SHOULD be right at 116 - 118 when you exit that point. From there, you make a u-turn basically and go up through the big cathedral area where the cross used to be. Of course it is possible to go deeper, very deep there as it is a wall, but if you dive the dive the way it is planned, you really shouldn't drop down below 120 at that point. Of course if your plan is something different, then that's another story. Coming out of that tunnel is the deepest part of the standard "tour" so to speak. I've led this dive and I've dove it with probably about a dozen different divemasters and have never come out of that swim-through at more than 120. In fact, our briefing for that dive is 120 max. The rest of the dive is a multi-level profile with the average depth for the dive being in the 80 foot range.
Ren, the cross was not removed by a diver with poor buoyancy...this was Wilma's wrath. There also used to be an exit point that went out to the right of the cross...it's now filled in with rocks, so the only way to go at the "cross" is left now.
Pilot, turning around in the tunnel would be very difficut and you couldn't do it without banging around on the coral. If you've heard of someone dropping to 200 feet there, then they had some buoyancy control issues or they dropped to that depth intentionally.
Cameras do fine on that dive, but I don't recommend cameras on that dive for those who aren't very familiar with diving with their camera and having excellent buoyancy control. There are some pretty tight areas on that dive.
Espantoon, the beaches are coming back. Look at the pictures I posted in the "Mr. Sancho's" thread. Tose pictures of the beach were taken Dec. 27 and last week.