pilot fish:Good report, Andy. Tell me about Devils Throat? Did you enter at 85 ft and exit at 120 ft? What was the vis and water temp? Did you say 6 knot current? It was that fast in Coz? I thought it never got over 4 knots? 6 is ripping. wow.
Where did you stay?
Devil's throat was great as always. I think the temp was about 80 degrees and the vis was 100+. The passageways are a bit wider since the hurricane and unfortunately the cross is gone. We entered at the top, exited around 135' and then went back in again. We had a good group who were all good on air.
The current I spoke of was at Barracuda. It "can" get up to 6knots, but was relatively mild when we were there. This is a reef that isn't done very often due to fast and unpredictable currents. However, it can be a really nice one "if" you have experience with strong currents.