Coz Saturday anyone?

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Daaaaavid are you serious!? You live there? Wow, when did this happen? Details, please! Are you ALONE or is "AmberEricaMyBFF" there? Sheesh, I do wish I had known, but I'm sure that's my own fault for being AWOL so long from SB. Glad to know for the future tho- will come back soon!

Sure am! I came here first at the end of March and outside of a few weeks, I've been here since. I just moved into my own place last month and I'm loving it. Nothing like walking across the street geared up, slapping on a tank and going shore diving, not to mention via boat.

Nope.. No "AmberEricaMyBFF" down here.. I've upgraded to one that dives and more.. :D

Definitely let me know the next time your coming to Coz. I'm still looking forward to meeting Mr. Foo.
Okay- might as well get this over with- I did not dive. Yep, I schlepped my gear all the way there, and only used fins, mask & snorkel. Here's the list of reasons:
1. Haven't dived in a year
2. FooMan is my usual buddy, and he wasn't there- none of my Swamper buddies were there, either
3. No one in our group dives & I have had bad luck with insta-buddies before.
4. I got stuffed-up head almost as soon as I arrived
5. Had sick stomach, was unable to eat or drink much for most of the weekend (FooMan had the same problem back in Texas- we must have contracted the same bug.)
6. Never felt a peace about going alone, and as soon as I canceled, I knew I had done the right thing.

I know most of you will think I'm crazy, but I know I did the right thing. I remember in my training, that if you don't feel right about diving, you should thumb the dive. I was never mad at myself for not going, I actually felt relief. So, I will enjoy myself with some nice dives at CSSP as soon as possible, and get my mojo back. :)

It sounds to me like you made the right choice. I have made the mistake in the past of not thumbing a dive when I didn't feel well and almost always regretted it afterwards.
I hope you had a great time hanging out on the beaches and working on your tan. :wink:
Uhg T-Foo!! I just saw this thread! I'm living down here (Coz) now and I would have loved to buddy up with you.. Keep me in mind the next time you are heading to Cozumel!



I am heading to Coz on 7/25 for a week. Would love to hook up with you for dinner/drinks/dives :) I'm staying down at the Villa Blanca and diving with Scuba Mau. How do I hook up with you?

And how did you score the living in Coz gig?
Oh Dear God... Donna and I will be there July 29-Aug 1 staying at Casa Mexicana and diving with Aqua Safari...

Who is coming with you... wink wink...

Lets plan a get together ... Also, what shore diving is around you?

Charlie and Donna
I am staying at Villa Blanca and diving with Scuba Mau. I am going down with a girlfriend and meeting another diver buddy from Brasil - it's my consolation trip while Tom is in the Galapagos.

So I am by the Villa Blanca Reef. Let's definitely plan for Friday night dinner in town :)

I am heading to Coz on 7/25 for a week. Would love to hook up with you for dinner/drinks/dives :) I'm staying down at the Villa Blanca and diving with Scuba Mau. How do I hook up with you?

And how did you score the living in Coz gig?

I sent you a PM with my Coz phone # & email. Count me in for dinner / drinks / dives. I live just up the road from Scuba Mau @ Palmar, right before you get to Casa Del Mar.
As for being able to live here.. I'm fortunate enough to be able to pretty much live anywhere as long as I have a computer and the Internet.
. Also, what shore diving is around you?

Charlie and Donna

I've been doing a lot of shore diving in front of Del Mar Aquatics, heading Northerly toward Blue Angel.. It's not what you are going to see diving the Palancars etc, but it is much better than the shore diving I've done in front of Hotel Coz, Scuba Club Coz, etc. There are quite a few fish habitats out there with swarms of fish, a fair amount of coral (recovering from Wilma), eels, lobster and octopi.
I sent you a PM with my Coz phone # & email. Count me in for dinner / drinks / dives. I live just up the road from Scuba Mau @ Palmar, right before you get to Casa Del Mar.
As for being able to live here.. I'm fortunate enough to be able to pretty much live anywhere as long as I have a computer and the Internet.

Heather tells me you've got a nice place there. Sorry I'll miss you this trip. Look forward to diving with you again next time.
I've been doing a lot of shore diving in front of Del Mar Aquatics, heading Northerly toward Blue Angel.. It's not what you are going to see diving the Palancars etc, but it is much better than the shore diving I've done in front of Hotel Coz, Scuba Club Coz, etc. There are quite a few fish habitats out there with swarms of fish, a fair amount of coral (recovering from Wilma), eels, lobster and octopi.

Have you bought a nomad yet?
Wow, so you're living the dream, huh??? I daydream about doing that someday, but reality is that I'm so in to my family (parents, sisters, kids, grandkids, and yes- even my in-laws!) that I could never leave permanently. If my ship comes in, and I am able to fly them all there at least once a month, then it's a go, tho! :wink:

Well, I really do wish I had known that you were there. I don't know if I would have been able to dive still, with the sinus issue especially. That started as soon as I arrived, and it would come and go through the day. But we could have at least gotten together for surface-interval time! I feel as if I will be back pretty soon- FooMan will be needing a fix soooon enough.

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